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WIA Title II Recommendations

January 22, 2009 ... VALUE respectfully offers the following recommendations from the customer perspective for changes to the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (WIA, Title II). Most of these proposals are based on promising practices of exceptional providers in the adult literacy and vocational rehabilitation field that VALUE asserts should be required system-wide.
Changes for SEC. 202. PURPOSE
The purpose of this program should be to help low-literate adults become able to independently access and process information in English, which is different than helping them learn to read and write. With existing technology, such as that used by the blind and low-vision community, adult learners can learn to access and process information independently in months, rather than the years it takes to learn to read and write in English.
Measure performance differently ... Currently, arbitrary levels and standardized test scores are used as the primary measure of success. Success for both adult learners and providers should be measured by the extent to which adult learners achieve their self-defined personal goals.
Add use of technology ... Eligible agency performance should be measured in part by the extent to which adult learners are able to use technology to access and process information independently.
Changes for SEC. 224. STATE PLAN
Describe how use of technology will be implemented ... The state plan should include a descrip-tion of the training, performance measurement, and other considerations required to implement the use of modern technology that enables adults to independently access and process information.
Require the use of technology ... Currently the focus is on reading and writing. The Act should require the use of technology, such as what is currently used in the blind and low-vision community to enable adult learners to efficiently access and process information independently.
Change participation requirements ... Currently, the Act outlines participation requirements that are inappropriate for adult learners with job and family responsibilities. Participation requirements should reflect the fact that adult learners have such responsibilities that may limit their participation.
Conduct case management ... Currently the Act does not require the provision of case management. Due to the complexity of the lives of adult learners, case management should be required as a core activity.
Teach soft skills ... Currently the Act ignores the Department of Labor’s assertion that soft skills including customer/client service; critical thinking/problem solving; cultural sensitivity; leadership; negotiation; personal responsibility; teamwork; and time-management are essential for the success of all workers. These skills should be a core responsibility of all providers.
Use a wealth model approach ... In general, providers currently use a deficit model approach, focusing on what adult learners can’t do. Providers should use a wealth model approach. The wealth model helps adult learners realize their own strengths and knowledge and use them as the basis for future learning.
Share leadership with adult learners ... Currently, the Act does not require that adult learners be specifically included in program operation and governance at local, state, and national levels. The system should be much more consumer-driven. The Act should specifically require the integration adult learners into program operation and governance at all levels; our perspective is as important as that of literacy professionals and bureaucrats and must be heard.
Provide career guidance ... Currently the Act does not require transitional services to employ-ment and higher education. Career guidance should be a core responsibility of all providers, making it possible for adult learners to make informed decisions and prepare for future education and workforce activities.
Increase the reservation of funds for State Leadership Activities to enable instructors to learn to: (1) use the technology; (2) teach soft skills; (3) provide career guidance; (4) conduct case manage-ment. and (5) measure and report differently progress and success.
Change the description of allowable activities to include training and technical assistance to enable instructors to learn to: (1) use the technology; (2) teach soft skills; (3) provide career guidance; (4) conduct case management. and (5) measure and report differently progress and success.

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