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My Plan to Write 333 eHow Articles in 3 Months

Guest post by Michael-John Wolfe, Owner of the Residuals & Royalties blog

A few months ago I found the Brainy Money Blog, written by a guy named Josh who detailed an interesting account of his pursuit of making money on eHow. Josh set a goal to write two eHow articles per day for 8 weeks - equaling 112 total articles, after the eight weeks were over Josh had earned $146.22 from these articles. That may seem like a low number for 56 hours of work. (One hour a day spent writing two articles.) But here's the kicker, Josh's numbers will only increase each month from now on! Josh will earn at least $146.22 every month exponentially. So while his hourly wage might be $2.61 per hour this past month, this wage will increase each month.

Josh showed me an ebook written by WriterGig - one of the top earners on eHow. (Simply search “writergig” under members on eHow and you will see the massive amount of articles she has completed.) WriterGig earns at least $1,000 per month on eHow and her ebook is an remarkable tool to help eHow writers who are just starting out. This book gives you crucial tips for optimizing your articles for eHow and getting the most earnings out of them. Writergig - aka "Maria" tells us that you should be able to average at least $3 per month, per article. Obviously this is a variable and some articles might earn $10 a month and some might earn $1. But if you buy her ebook – you will learn the secrets of producing articles that make the most money.

I have decided to personally challenge myself to have 333 articles completed by July 1st, 2009. (Essentially in 3 months.) Yesterday I wrote 14 articles and my total number of articles is 29, I have 304 more to go. By Writergig's calculations - 333 articles X $3 per article should net me $1,000 per month in residual income. Even if I am way off target and my articles only earn $1 per month, at the very least I will wind up with $333 per month in residual income. If anyone else out there wants to participate in this challenge with me – just let me know and we can track our progress and our earnings.

If you plan on writing your own eHow articles, WriterGig's ebook is a MUST have, you can buy it for only $25 and it will literally triple the earnings your articles will make: Click here to view more details.

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