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Adsense for Feeds

Ever since Google bought Feedburner they have been working towards placing Adsense on the Feedburner feeds. No surprise there as G needs to keep growing and Adsense/Adwords is what feeds the beast. A few months back Feedburner made Adsense available and I attempted to try it but for what ever reason it didn't work. No doubt I screwed things up - not a surprise either as most of you know I am not technically gifted and spent about 5 seconds trying to figure out what went wrong before ditching the whole works.

Long story short - a few days ago I noticed a new link on my Adsense Overview page (see image below) which is entitled Adsense for Feeds. Of course it may have been there for a while and I just didn't notice it until now.

Click Image to enlarge

Needless to say I clicked the "Get Started" button. I was taken to the following page.

Click Image

Naturally it told me that I had no feeds in my account and gave me a link to "View our Account Migration Guide". Apparently you will have to have Google migrate all your feeds from Feedburner to Adsense. Turns out this isn't complicated.

Click Image

In fact Google will do it for you. This is right up my alley - anytime I can get someone else to do the tech stuff suits me just fine. Just ask my good friend Terry! Just give Google your Feedburner username and provide your Adsense email address and they will do the necessary steps for you.

So I did and am waiting to see what happens next.

Now I'm telling all you folks this because should things work out all of my feed subscribers will be snarling and nashing their teeth as soon as the Adsense ads start appearing on my feeds. Before you all hit the unsubscribe button please hear me out.

This whole Adsense on Feeds thing has me more than curious as it just doesn't fit in with Google's current policies. How are they going to assure quality clicks for the Advertisers? At present they frown on too many clicks coming from the same IP. One of the things you have to be careful of is that some of your readers may try and help you by clicking your ads repeatedly. This doesn't help at all and can get your account banned. Clicks have to be natural and repeated clicks from the same IP is not natural.

However, if I have Adsense on my Feeds then I am only going to get clicks from my readers. Search traffic will not see these ads. Presumably G wants my readers to click the ads - if not then why offer the service. So does this mean that they won't mind the same people clicking ads on a more frequent basis? They can hardly penalize me for repeated clicks when my pool of readers is limited. This, in a nutshell, is what I want to find out. In one sense my readers are highly targeted for my keywords and Google likes that. I suppose they feel this will benefit the Advertisers - maybe it will. On the other hand this just seems ripe for abuse and I am curious as to how G plans on counting clicks. Which will they consider valid and which will be considered suspect?

I am asking you dear readers not to get all un-subscribe on my ass when the ads appear as I simply want to see how this program is going to be monitored by Google. I will certainly keep you abreast of my findings. I should also say that this is not a call to entice you to click those ads. Please, please, please... don't unless it is something you really are interested in. I have no wish to game Adsense in any way and you shouldn't either. I suspect that my readers will ignore them in the same way they ignore the ads on my blog - just background noise that bloggers tend not to notice. I understand why search traffic clicks ads - I don't understand why targeted feed subscribers ever would though. And I don't understand why Google thinks they would either.

In any event you now know up front what I'm up too and I hope you will not get offended when you see the ads. Just another little experiment and I'll fill you in when I get some results.

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Money Making Ideas You Should Avoid

Now there are plenty of wonderful money making ideas out there to try, but you should also know which ones to avoid. You see, everyone wants your hard earned money, and they will say & do anything to get it. I call those people scammers. Chances are you have bought an E-Book online that didn't really help you much.

You are not alone. I was scammed a lot myself when first starting off in internet marketing. I bought a lot of those E-Books that promised me I would make at least 5k per week ( Yeah Right). The sad truth is that a lot of people fall for these tricks simply because they need money. And it sounds good when someone says, " Buy my E-Book for $29.99 and learn how to make $200 per hour"

Now I am not saying that every single E-Book ever created is a waste, just most of them. So please avoid getting scammed by these people. I would hate for you to be spending your money on things that are not going to help you much in internet marketing.

Also try to stay away from paid surveys, even though I know a few people who have made some decent money, I still wouldn't recommend you doing paid surveys. Why? because this entire niche is full of scammers. Again not every single site is a scam, but the odds are not on your side.

So, I just wanted to give you a quick heads up of what kind of things you need to stay away from. You can still try these money making ideas just make sure that you also understand the risk involed

What Happened To The Idea Frenzy?

First off, I would like to apologize because of delaying the idea frenzy. I said I was going to be updating this blog with tons of money making ideas for you to try. Well, as always in life, things never go as planned. I wasn't on my computer at all for the last couple of weeks because I took a trip to the lovely oral surgeon, lets just say It was not fun.

Anyways because of this I was really just unable to do any type of work on my computer. I am still not back 100%, it might take another few days, maybe even a week for me to be back working. I know a lot of you really need some quick money, and I will try my best to put some posts together for you guys.

What I was thinking of doing was to add a section for quick money making ideas and another for long term money makers. That way I can help both sides. I will say this though, long term money makers are always better then quick ones, but I understand that sometimes we just can't wait. So give me just a little more time to fully recover and I will be back with tons of money making ideas!

The Idea Frenzy Is Coming...Beware

So let me introduce to you "The Idea Frenzy". From time to time, I will have an idea frenzy. What does this mean? Well, I will be updating my blog a lot with cool money making ideas for you to try. During the idea frenzy, I won't be going into great detail about each method, but rather try to put out as many money making ideas out there as possible. My goal is to get your "Idea" motor going.

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Use Drop Shipping to Make Money Online

Posted by Alan Liew | 10:05 PM

Guest post by Corry Cummings from http://www.dropshipstrategy.com

With so many different online money making opportunities out there, it is extremely difficult to tell which ones are real and which ones are scams. There are a lot of different people on the Internet telling you all sorts of different things about making money online. Some of them are probably telling you the truth, while many are just simply trying to make money themselves. In fact, most of the people telling you how to make money online have never even made any money online. With that said, you can be confident that along with the many different opportunities that this blog brings you, comes a very true way to make money online. The opportunity is drop shipping.

For those who are not aware of what drop shipping is, the first thing you need to know is the meaning. There are many different companies out there that we like to refer to as dropship companies. These companies have two things that you need to make money easily on the Internet. They have products and they have services that allow for you to not have to worry about shipping and packaging these products. When you sign up for a membership with a dropship company, you are getting instant access to millions of wholesale products. On top of that, the company packages and ships out the products that you sell to your customers. It is that simple.

Making Real Money with Drop Shipping

Now that you have an idea of what drop shipping is, you will need to know how to turn that into a money making opportunity. There is quite a bit to know about drop shipping, however there are a couple of tips that could really get you a long way. To keep this post straight to the point and valuable, I will get right into those tips. First of all, understand that drop shipping takes hard work and a lot of time. There is really no way around that, so you first must be okay with both of those two things. Other than that, you will need to be willing to make a very small investment to get things going. Remember, this is not different then any other business. There is just a lot less risk and a lot less money to fund.

If you are going to make real money with drop shipping, you are going to need to build a website. The best way to make money with drop shipping is to have your own site to sell products on. Sure, eBay and Amazon are great for starting out but you will never get rich by selling through the auction sites. There is far too much competition and people go there looking to spend the least amount of money. You will be forced to sell for prices that cut your profit down way more than you want. Instead, you want to reach the buyers who just want to find what they are looking for quickly and then purchase it and be done. With your own website you can accomplish that.

You can scale this thing out as big as you want. The important part is that you pick a specific market to build your site around. For example, you might want to have a site that specializes in selling cell phone cases. You would never want to have a site that sells everything and anything. The more specific your niche is, the better. When you are ready you build more sites. The more sites you have the more money you make. There are several good dropship companies out there to work with. All you have to do is put all the pieces together and get ready to work hard. It will all pay off in the long run.

Affiliate marketing is one of the quickest ways to earn money through the web. This is due to the fact that, when you engage in this business as an affiliate marketer, you will not have to start from scratch in terms of creating a product and developing promotional materials. You don't need to create your own website and you don't have to shoulder fees associated with capital, storage, or shipping. The owners of the affiliate businesses are responsible for all the tedious (and expensive) work while all you need to do is promote the products and make sales.

However, like any other business venture, you can fail in affiliate marketing. To significantly lower your chances of failure and to make it big in this field, read through the tips below:

1) Find a Lucrative Niche

Among the best things about getting into affiliate marketing is that you simply have to choose from all the available programs. In order to choose the right one, you first need to find a lucrative niche and then, later on, check out the programs available within that niche.

To help you out with your efforts, you can check out websites such as Amazon and eBay. Check out the most popular products as well as the most successful sellers. Chances are, whatever niches are most popular in those websites are best to engage in.

2) Select the Right Product

Be careful when making the choice between all the available products in your chosen niche. Study the pros and cons of each product you consider and choose only those that are in high demand within your target market or those that provide solutions to common problems. If it is possible, choose affiliate products that are already established as best-sellers or already have good reviews. It may cost you more but keep in mind that the better the product that you choose, the more sales you can generate.

To help you find good products within specific niches, try checking out affiliate marketing sites such as Clickbank. Sites like that provide categorized programs and listing containing all the details you need to know to make a good decision.

3) Promote Intelligently

Once you've already chosen an affiliate marketing program to get into, you will need to promote your business intelligently. Promotion is one of the hardest things to do in this business mostly because competition is high. Study all the platforms that can help you gain as much targeted website traffic as you can and advertise your products in forums, classified, and blogs. You can also run your own email marketing campaign. Just keep in mind that the more traffic sources you have, the better for your affiliate marketing business.

There are many things you need to keep in mind to make it big in this field of business. The three steps above are those that have been tested by affiliate marketing leaders. Follow the tips and you can be among those leaders soon enough.

By Chad Timms

When it comes to making money on the Internet many people assume you can just sign up for some program or opportunity that promises you the world and sit back, relax and wait for the money to start rolling in.

Well making money online is much like making money doing anything else except it can be a lot funner and once you become good at it. You can give yourself a raise almost everyday if you are willing to learn how to do so. Tissa Godavitarne has put together an excellent way for people to make money online. His program consists of seven income streams and a few of these income streams are residual or recurring ways to make money. How would you like to get paid over and over again from the same customer?

Tissa Godavitarne also provides excellent training and resources so you can become an expert at building a home based business for yourself. He holds webinars almost daily and has just built a forum to help all his users get answers to all the questions they may have.

Tissa Godavitarne built his system around a huge niche that receives nearly 20 Billion searches monthly. That is 1/3 of the traffic on Google & Yahoo. He also has built another program around the make money online niche. So he has built a program around 2 HUGE markets on the Internet. You can promote both of them and send relevant traffic to the Websites he provides for you or you can just focus on the one you are most comfortable with. Many so called “Guru’s” sell you a program and then after you have purchased this program they are nowhere to be found. Not Tissa Godavitarne. You can hop on any webinar from anywhere in the world and speak with him personally to find out how to best make money online with his systems.

So why is Tissa Godavitarne willing to give you the same websites and share with you how he uses these sites to make money?

Because and I quote from Tissa “Because the more money you make with YOUR niche search engine, the more money I will make”

So what you will get here is the exact same niche product Tissa Godavitarne has made millions with in Affiliate Commission. He is giving you a proven system that you can use to make yourself money online. Like I said there are seven income streams available with this program.

So here is what you will be getting:

Your OWN Income-Generating Niche Search Engine
The SAME search engine that costs Tissa Godavitarne $25,000 a month but generates MILLIONS of dollars in affiliate commissions!

FREE Pay-Per-Click Advertising in Google and Yahoo
Tissa will advertise YOUR search engine in MY Google and Yahoo ad campaigns so you can start PROFITING immediately!

NO eBooks to Download and NO Videos to Watch ;-)
He leaves that to the gurus. The only people making money on those crappy info products are the ones selling them to you.

Oh I almost forget to mention…When you sign up today Tissa will credit you $125 in commissions after you have completed all 3 steps for your niche search engine. This is how confident he is in his own program!

Now I want you to find out for yourself that you can make money with Tissa Godavitarne. Click Here to see my Actual Earnings from Tissa Godavitarne’s Program and Sign Up Today!

As long as you have the necessary skills, being a graphics designer can be a wonderful opportunity to make money online. As a freelance graphics designer, you can work from home or make money from wherever you please.

In order to excel in this field, you will need the skills and passion for making art. Whether your interest is in designing tattoos, logos, sketches, drawings, or grand paintings, your love for art can pay off in this exciting industry. All you really need is to have a good program like Adobe Photoshop and learn everything there is to know about it. The rest will be up to your creativity and skills.

There's much money to be made as a freelance graphics designer. People hire graphics designers because they don't have the skills to create designs themselves. Whether the need is a logo for business cards and letterheads, a cool background for websites, or whatever else it may be, every company out there has needs for design services. It doesn't matter whether your clients are sole proprietors starting up small businesses or huge enterprises that need fresh designs. You will surely be paid well for your services.

If you already have the skills and knowledge necessary for graphics design, you will want to develop some samples for your portfolio. Once you have done this, you can start promoting your services through freelance websites or forums. As you gain more and more projects and earn more and more money for your services, you may want to develop your own website. This website should show off your talents and allow its visitors to see why they should hire you. Having a website will make your service look more professional and you can use it to improve on your internet marketing efforts.

Once you've gained a good set of regular clients and have developed a good reputation online, you can surely gain a good and steady income for your creativity and talent.

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Why GDP is an Inappropriate Measure of Economic Health

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is perhaps the most widely used indicator of economic growth and well-being. The World Bank has called it "the main criterion for classifying economies." According to conventional wisdom, what is good for the GDP is good for the nation; as the GDP rises, so do our fortunes. But what does it actually measure?

Simply put, the GDP is the total value of all products and services bought and sold, a measure of money changing hands. It is a misleading yardstick of true progress for many reasons, most of which fall under three major categories:

  • The GDP makes no distinction between productive and destructive activities. While a realistic measure of progress would separate costs and benefits, the GDP places a positive value on all transactions and adds them to the total. Illness, crime, and natural disasters all cause the GDP to increase, as money is spent to treat the sick, jail prisoners, and repair the damage. In this way the GDP rises even as the quality of life declines.

  • The GDP has no way of assessing the value of natural resources until they enter the monetary economy, or in other words, are consumed. The trees in an old-growth forest that provide numerous services to humans and animals alike are worth nothing to the GDP until they are cut down for timber, at which point the GDP has no way of accounting for the loss of their services. By celebrating consumption rather than conservation, the GDP encourages the unsustainable depletion of finite resources.

  • The GDP completely ignores all activities and services that have no price attached to them. Essential functions performed by the family, community, and volunteers, such as housework and child care, don't count in the GDP. When these services have to be paid for because people no longer have time for them, the GDP goes up -- putting a positive value on the erosion of the social fabric.

In short, the GDP values growth at all costs over the things that really matter to people, such as clean air and water, a healthy and safe community, and the free time to enjoy them. The continued rise of the GDP is no longer something to cheer about, and it is past time to establish a new way to measure our progress.

If the GDP is up, why is America down? (requires subscription to The Atlantic)
If you read only one thing about the failures of the GDP, read this. A pointed and well-written article by the staff of Redefining Progress, a San Francisco-based organization that concentrates on issues of growth and sustainability.

Redefining Progress
More information than you can shake a stick at, including in-depth analysis of the GDP and the details on RP's own Genuine Progress Indicator, which attempts to correct the flaws in the GDP and present an alternative assessment of the economy.

Friends of the Earth
This UK site has more information on GDP alternatives, including a program to help you design your own method of measuring progress.

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Taking Advantage of Opportunities Online to Make Money

Since the dawn of the internet, more and more people have turned to it for everything from communicating with friends and family, find old schoolmates, and academic research to marketing products and services and expanding and growing businesses. Now, many people even rely on it to make money. Just over the past five years, the internet has bloomed with tons of ways to make money at home. This opportunity presents people with a wide array of options. However, for those who aren't too familiar with the internet and how to utilize it to make money, things can seem a bit tricky.

Today, more websites are growing and with that growth comes a number of different opportunities. The best thing about it is that even those who aren't internet savvy can easily take advantage of those opportunities as things are either very easy to use or a number of different resources are available to help them understand everything they need to make money online. Even better opportunities stem from the fact that large companies are tapping the internet now more than ever to market and advertise their products. This is because only the World Wide Web will allow them to easily and relatively inexpensively tap different markets across the globe. Corporations do not even need to fork out huge sums of money to pay salaries and benefits to actual employees to handle marketing and advertising online. They tend to prefer hiring freelancers or contractual agents online. This presents a huge opportunity for people who are looking into online money-making activities.

Also a huge opportunity to make money online is affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is becoming very popular because it doesn't require a lot of work to manage or a lot of money to start. Once it starts growing, any affiliate marketing business can also become a huge money-maker.

Paid surveys is another opportunity to make money online. The companies always in need of consumer insights and opinions on their products. So they hire market research firm to conduct online survey and pay anyone who participates in their online survey. While online paid survey isn't offering full-time income potential but it can be a great source of extra income.

For those who enjoy writing and have the skills for it, there are already many different sites and platforms that offer great opportunities. Most of them involve article writing and content creation. Blogging and e-book writing are also great ways to make money online. Blogging can be fun as you can write in a informal way and share your stories. When your blog attracted

Apart from writing, there are many other things that will allow you to earn a decent income online. No matter what your current set of skills and knowledge contains, you can surely find a good opportunity for you. The World Wide Web is really a fantastic place to earn a good income and have the financial freedom that many dream of having. Of course, you have to be smart and be wary of scams. Although it may sometimes be difficult to tell whether an opportunity is a scam or not, most of the time all you will need is common sense. By taking advantage of the opportunities that are already available online, you can easily achieve the work-life balance you've always hoped to have.

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Introduction to the Global Economy

In 1999, Global Exchange was one of a democratic, consensus-based core of organizations that inspired tens of thousands of nonviolent protesters to converge in Seattle to challenge the WTO.


To uphold democracy and our right to participate in decisions about our lives and environment...
  • Because WTO rules are written by and for corporations, putting profits above people and the planet.
To protect the human dignity of every single one of us...
  • Because WTO rules trample labor and human rights.
To protect the environment...
  • Because WTO rules render environmental protections illegal.
To save lives...
  • Because WTO rules stand between dying people and the medicine that will save their lives.

Learn more about how the Global Economy functions and how we can continue the fight for a more just world.

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Redirecting your feed to maximize revenue potential

Labels: ,

One of the most popular (and recurring) questions our publishers ask is, "How do I maximize revenue for AdSense for feeds and ensure my subscriber stats are as accurate as possible?" Some of you can recite the answers to these questions backwards and forwards (though we find typing it backwards is quite difficult, so we'll leave you to say that aloud). But for our many new publishers that are just tuning in, here's the recap.

Just setting up AdSense for feeds ad units in your AdSense account is not enough to start seeing traffic and revenue to your feeds. It's critical that 100% of your feed traffic be directed to the feed(s) you created in AdSense for feeds or your FeedBurner account. Luckily, this is fairly easy to do via two standard methods.

  1. Redirect your original feed. This is the recommended option for all publishers, but especially if you have an already established blog or feed that already has subscribers. This option ensures that all traffic gets funneled to the version that has both advertising and subscriber tracking enabled. We've detailed this process in this Help Center entry.

    Step 2

    An added bonus: a plugin for self-hosted WordPress installations and feed-specific features within Blogger and TypePad make redirection much easier on these two publishing platforms.

  2. Promote your feeds.feedburner.com feed. This is recommended only in the cases where you are setting up a new blog, or have an existing blog or feed that has no traffic. For example, if your feed is found at http://feeds.feedburner.com/toastforbreakfast, you would change your blog template to link only to this version of the feed. Note you have to make sure to change it not only where you promote your feed directly, but also everywhere you have feed autodiscovery links in your template. (One other place to keep in mind: BrowserFriendly.)

Hopefully, this reminder will help everyone get on firm ground with how to maximize traffic to their feed and revenue from it, too. In future posts, we will be covering how to increase traffic and subscribers to your feed, so hang on to your hat!

New features for advertisers targeting feeds

Labels: ,

Along with the clarification regarding the doubleclick.net domain we posted a few weeks ago over at Inside AdSense, we thought we would mention that we have made similar changes to the AdSense for feeds ad tags that are being placed in feeds. By changing our ad serving to the doubleclick.net domain, we are now allowing advertisers to more easily create campaigns that span all media platform types on the Google Content Network, including sites, feeds, and mobile.

In addition to being able to target feeds with Placement Targeting and Contextual Targeting, which have always been supported, this change will soon allow advertisers to target feed users using Interest Based Advertising across both sites and feeds.

By making it easier for advertisers to buy ads in your feeds, and by supporting the exact same features and ad formats that are accepted on websites, the competition for your ad space should increase to help ensure that you're maximizing your earnings potential.

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Image ads join link units

If you use link units, you may have noticed a small addition to the page users see after clicking a link unit topic. We recently added an image ad to the bottom of each of these pages, after our testing showed revenue improvements for many publishers.

These image ads are contextually targeted, based on the link unit topic users clicked to reach the ads. If no image ads are available for the given topic, we'll only show the original text ads -- in other words, we won't show a PSA or insert a blank space in place of the image ad in this case. Advertisers can bid on these image ads on a cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-impression (CPM) basis, so you'll generate earnings for valid clicks and impressions. You can review the performance of image ads on your link unit pages by generating a link unit report on your Advanced Reports page.

If you aren't using link units on your pages, we encourage you to give them a try. They don't take up much space and can help add to your AdSense revenue -- learn more in our Help Center, or visit your AdSense Setup tab and select 'AdSense for content' to get started.

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Your guide to the Inside AdSense blog

Whether you're new to this blog or have been with us since way back in August of aught five, we'd like to provide a few simple tips for effectively using the features provided on our site.

First of all, we've made it easy to subscribe to the blog so that you'll never miss a post. There are a few ways to do so:
  • E-mail
    Have a Google Account? Then visit our subscription page, or just enter your email address into the yellow box on the right sidebar of this page. You'll be subscribed via Google Groups, and we'll send you a confirmation email. Once you confirm your subscription, you'll begin to see new blog posts in your email inbox.

  • RSS Reader
    After clicking on the 'Site Feed' link in the upper right-hand corner of this page, you'll be taken to a Feedburner URL, which you can access from any RSS Reader or Live Bookmark of your choice. To view all of your feed subscription options, look for the 'Subscribe Now!' box on the right side.

  • iGoogle
    Click the white '+ Google' icon on the top right, and you can receive the latest Inside AdSense updates on your iGoogle page or within Google Reader.

There's also plenty of content in our blog archives. Here are some ways to access some of those useful posts from the past:
  • Labels
    Each post is tagged at the bottom with one or more labels that reflect the content of that post. All of these labels are also listed on our sidebar, which you can use to sort through past posts - for instance, click the 'Optimization' label to view all the posts related to optimizing AdSense on your site. You'll notice that this post is tagged with 'Newbie', since that's been our focus on recent Fridays.

  • "You may have missed..."
    This name says it all - check the right sidebar for this section, where we'll be rotating links to useful posts from past months.

  • Search box
    You can search for the topic of your choice using the search box at the top right. Using the tabs on the results page, you can choose whether to search within the AdSense blog or other resources such as our Help Center, the AdSense Forum, and the web.

We hope these tips will help you become a pro at navigating and absorbing our blog posts in the future!

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Quickly and Easily Create a Landing Page with Manticore Technology

Manticore Technology is actually a provider of demand generation that gives everything you need to generate leads, improve your marketing effectiveness and increase your online profit. Through the use of the Manticore Technology intuitive platform, you can quickly build and customize a landing page without IT knowledge. In addition to that, Manticore also helps the users to test their landing pages so that they can convert their traffic effectively into leads.

Turning your leads into cash

Your marketing campaign doesn’t stop after you have generated leads. You have to continue in marketing to turn your leads into sales and profits. You are going to need to analyze your prospects to find out what exactly they need and then use email to promote your products or services to your target prospects in your mailing list. This ensures you make money from your mailing list. Of course, a software tool is required to help you manage your lead and email marketing effectively so that you can convert leads into sales consistently. Manticore Technology Platform is again a helpful tool for lead management and email marketing.

Manticore Technology allows you to perform lead scoring to find out the level of interest of your prospects on your products or services. This is really a good data for you when setting up your email marketing campaigns. You know exactly what are the needs of your different group of prospects and promote the right products to each group of your prospects.

All your promotion emails can be managed and sent out professionally. Manticore's email marketing engine makes building a personalized email campaign a breeze. You can make a standard and compelling template for all your email campaigns with no technical knowledge needed. You can easily send out promotional emails to your opt-in mailing list any time.


Manticore Technology is really a powerful marketing tool you can rely on when you need to generate leads and improve your online business performance. The company does offer a free trial. If you like to test and experience Manticore Technology for lead generation, here's the link to sign up for a free trial:


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SEO Tricks that Won’t Win You Traffic

Guest Post by Courtney Phillips

It’s all about SEO these days if you’re looking to make a living on the World Wide Web; unless you’re willing to pay for PPC, that is. You need to make sure your site is optimized with the right design and the right keywords that are strategically placed so as to grab top ranking with the search engines and get you the maximum traffic possible. You need to stick to a particular theme or subject and you need to update your pages on a regular basis if you want Google and its ilk to keep considering you for the top positions. And you need to ensure that your site gets enough publicity throughout the web so that people link back to it from their sites. Yes, SEO is good when it comes to helping you gain visitors and making you some really good money, but there are times when this technique does not work and sort of backfires on you. And they are:

  • When you try to cheat a little: Yes, you have all the right keywords in the title of your post and peppered throughout it, and because of this, you get readers by the dozen. But what happens when they land on your pages only to find that there’s no real content at all between the title and the end of your article? Or that they’ve come to a site that advertised one thing only to sell something entirely different? True, you’ve got the traffic you wanted, but you can bet your last dollar that these visitors are never going to come your way again. I’ve found myself really frustrated landing on sites that have articles that are literally just sentences strung together that make no sense at all. The only thing that gets them to Google’s front page is the liberal use of keywords and phrases throughout the text. If you want to create a good impression, if you want people to keep coming back to your site, you need to offer quality content, goods or services, offerings that are exactly as advertised when they show up in search engines.
  • When you spend too much time on SEO: Search engine optimization does take a huge amount of upfront effort, and you’re not likely to be seeing results immediately. So when you end up spending large sums of money on perfecting your website while neglecting the core of your business (whether it’s offering a service or a product), you’re not going to be making a lot of money.
  • When your landing page has not been thought out carefully: If your main source of revenue is bypassed when visitors land on your site, it’s no use optimizing your site for the best results. You need to ensure that your ads or revenue generators are strategically placed so that you make money no matter where your visitor lands. At the same time, you also need to ensure that your visitor is taken exactly where they want to go; if not, they may leave immediately without taking the time to look through your site and find what they’re looking for.
This post was contributed by Courtney Phillips, who writes about the (colleges or universities with accounting program). She welcomes your feedback at CourtneyPhillips80 at gmail.com


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How to Write Effective Product Reviews for Successful Affiliate Marketing

Publishing product reviews is the best way to attract potential customers and earn affiliate commissions. This is why affiliate marketers constantly find themselves writing reviews for all sorts of products. However, simply describing a product will not work for affiliate marketing. If you want to make money out of affiliate marketing, your product reviews must be convincing. To ensure that your product reviews will bring you affiliate commissions, follow the steps below:

1) State a Problem

At the beginning of your review, you need to state a problem or issue that your target market faces. Recognizing the desire for something will also work. This way, anyone who relates with the problem, issue, or desire will be more likely to read on.

2) Outline the Solution

Describe a general solution to whatever it is that you used as an introduction. In this section, illustrate what the product can do without mentioning what the product is. Doing this will give readers an impression of what an ideal product is.

3) Introduce the Product

This is the portion where you introduce your product as having the exact characteristics as what you just described as an ideal product. This will help readers quickly realize the importance of the product you are reviewing.

4) Describe the Product

Outline the benefits of what you are reviewing in terms of addressing the problem, issue, or desire you stated. It would be best if you could recount your own experience with the product so that readers will get a better idea of what they can gain out of it. This is also the part where you can state flaws or disadvantages but make it clear that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

5) Summarize Your Review

This is where you restate everything you have described in a few simple sentences. By doing this, you reinforce all the product benefits in your readers' minds.

The steps above will help you compose convincing product reviews. Follow them and you will find that you can make money out of affiliate marketing almost effortlessly.

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WIA Title II Recommendations

January 22, 2009 ... VALUE respectfully offers the following recommendations from the customer perspective for changes to the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (WIA, Title II). Most of these proposals are based on promising practices of exceptional providers in the adult literacy and vocational rehabilitation field that VALUE asserts should be required system-wide.
Changes for SEC. 202. PURPOSE
The purpose of this program should be to help low-literate adults become able to independently access and process information in English, which is different than helping them learn to read and write. With existing technology, such as that used by the blind and low-vision community, adult learners can learn to access and process information independently in months, rather than the years it takes to learn to read and write in English.
Measure performance differently ... Currently, arbitrary levels and standardized test scores are used as the primary measure of success. Success for both adult learners and providers should be measured by the extent to which adult learners achieve their self-defined personal goals.
Add use of technology ... Eligible agency performance should be measured in part by the extent to which adult learners are able to use technology to access and process information independently.
Changes for SEC. 224. STATE PLAN
Describe how use of technology will be implemented ... The state plan should include a descrip-tion of the training, performance measurement, and other considerations required to implement the use of modern technology that enables adults to independently access and process information.
Require the use of technology ... Currently the focus is on reading and writing. The Act should require the use of technology, such as what is currently used in the blind and low-vision community to enable adult learners to efficiently access and process information independently.
Change participation requirements ... Currently, the Act outlines participation requirements that are inappropriate for adult learners with job and family responsibilities. Participation requirements should reflect the fact that adult learners have such responsibilities that may limit their participation.
Conduct case management ... Currently the Act does not require the provision of case management. Due to the complexity of the lives of adult learners, case management should be required as a core activity.
Teach soft skills ... Currently the Act ignores the Department of Labor’s assertion that soft skills including customer/client service; critical thinking/problem solving; cultural sensitivity; leadership; negotiation; personal responsibility; teamwork; and time-management are essential for the success of all workers. These skills should be a core responsibility of all providers.
Use a wealth model approach ... In general, providers currently use a deficit model approach, focusing on what adult learners can’t do. Providers should use a wealth model approach. The wealth model helps adult learners realize their own strengths and knowledge and use them as the basis for future learning.
Share leadership with adult learners ... Currently, the Act does not require that adult learners be specifically included in program operation and governance at local, state, and national levels. The system should be much more consumer-driven. The Act should specifically require the integration adult learners into program operation and governance at all levels; our perspective is as important as that of literacy professionals and bureaucrats and must be heard.
Provide career guidance ... Currently the Act does not require transitional services to employ-ment and higher education. Career guidance should be a core responsibility of all providers, making it possible for adult learners to make informed decisions and prepare for future education and workforce activities.
Increase the reservation of funds for State Leadership Activities to enable instructors to learn to: (1) use the technology; (2) teach soft skills; (3) provide career guidance; (4) conduct case manage-ment. and (5) measure and report differently progress and success.
Change the description of allowable activities to include training and technical assistance to enable instructors to learn to: (1) use the technology; (2) teach soft skills; (3) provide career guidance; (4) conduct case management. and (5) measure and report differently progress and success.

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My Plan to Write 333 eHow Articles in 3 Months

Guest post by Michael-John Wolfe, Owner of the Residuals & Royalties blog

A few months ago I found the Brainy Money Blog, written by a guy named Josh who detailed an interesting account of his pursuit of making money on eHow. Josh set a goal to write two eHow articles per day for 8 weeks - equaling 112 total articles, after the eight weeks were over Josh had earned $146.22 from these articles. That may seem like a low number for 56 hours of work. (One hour a day spent writing two articles.) But here's the kicker, Josh's numbers will only increase each month from now on! Josh will earn at least $146.22 every month exponentially. So while his hourly wage might be $2.61 per hour this past month, this wage will increase each month.

Josh showed me an ebook written by WriterGig - one of the top earners on eHow. (Simply search “writergig” under members on eHow and you will see the massive amount of articles she has completed.) WriterGig earns at least $1,000 per month on eHow and her ebook is an remarkable tool to help eHow writers who are just starting out. This book gives you crucial tips for optimizing your articles for eHow and getting the most earnings out of them. Writergig - aka "Maria" tells us that you should be able to average at least $3 per month, per article. Obviously this is a variable and some articles might earn $10 a month and some might earn $1. But if you buy her ebook – you will learn the secrets of producing articles that make the most money.

I have decided to personally challenge myself to have 333 articles completed by July 1st, 2009. (Essentially in 3 months.) Yesterday I wrote 14 articles and my total number of articles is 29, I have 304 more to go. By Writergig's calculations - 333 articles X $3 per article should net me $1,000 per month in residual income. Even if I am way off target and my articles only earn $1 per month, at the very least I will wind up with $333 per month in residual income. If anyone else out there wants to participate in this challenge with me – just let me know and we can track our progress and our earnings.

If you plan on writing your own eHow articles, WriterGig's ebook is a MUST have, you can buy it for only $25 and it will literally triple the earnings your articles will make: Click here to view more details.

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So You Want to Make Money Onlin

Guest Post by Jeff from onlinemoneymakingeasy.com

Who doesn’t want to make more money, right? I get pumped every time I find a new way to make money on the internet. The possibilities for online money making really are endless. The important thing to do when starting out looking for the opportunity that is right for you is to stop and think of what you know and what your passions are. In this post I will cover two of the most basic ways to get started making money online.

The first of these is the most obvious and common way – Paid Surveys. It is simple to start and you set the limit on your earnings depending on the time you have to put toward them. I am sure you have heard of websites that offer lists of companies lining up to pay your for your opinion. What you probably don’t realize is that not all of these sites are the same. Some sites offer these lists for free and some require a membership fee to gain access. So what is the difference and why pay for a list? Well, it can be the difference between getting $.50 per survey and getting $10.00 per survey. The sites that require a membership fee include surveys that on average pay more per survey than the free survey sites. Most of the paid survey sites also offer a list of focus groups you can participate in as well as other ways to make money. Focus group pay by the hour and have the potential for making a lot of cash.

The second way is to start a blog. The important thing to know when starting a blog site is to pick a topic you have some knowledge about. If you don’t you will find very quickly it is hard to write about something you have no experience with and no passion for doing. It is extremely important to keep your blog updated, daily if possible, with fresh content that people will be interested in and will continue visit your site or subscribe to your feed. When you get your blog started and some posts up you can start to focus on getting traffic through social networking sites like twitter, Facebook, and Myspace. Join them, get some followers, and recommend your blog. You will want to set up a Google Adsense account to monetize your blog and you can also sell advertising or promote affiliate products as well to make money. Just as is the case with paid surveys, there are programs you can purchase which step you through setting up, monetizing, and optimizing your blogs to maximize you potential to make money online.

I hope I have given you some helpful tips about how you can get started today making money online. Working from home and making a living online full time is a great feeling but like everything in life worth working for, it takes dedication and there is a learning curve. However, if you work hard and consistently, you will make money online.

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How AdSense can Make You Money

Guest post by Mike Hammond

As a web publisher, there are many things you can do to monetize your websites and bring in a little (or sometimes a lot) of extra cash. One of those ways is Google AdSense, which is a great way for making money online. In this article we will take a look at exactly what it is, how it works, and how to use AdSense to make money online.

What is Google AdSense?
Google provides many services to webmasters and online businesses alike. They can help you to analyse your web traffic, optimise your web pages for better search results, and much more. The services we are interested in for the purposes of this article are the two related programs, AdSense and AdWords. At one time a revolutionary concept in online marketing, AdWords is a program that enables online businesses to advertise their websites alongside relevant content all over the web, in exchange for a fee every time an advert drives a visitor to their site. Those adverts, however, need places to be shown and this is where the partner service AdSense comes into play. AdSense is the other side of the coin, and the part that we as publishers are the most interested in to make easy money online. AdSense pays publishers that display adverts on their pages every time someone clicks on them.

How Does AdSense Work?
Google AdWords and AdSense are extremely clever technologies. By utilizing some sophisticated techniques, Google can basically analyse all of the content on your web page to show AdWords adverts on your site that match up with your content. For example, if you own a website about DIY and utilize AdSense on that site, the adverts will be targeted specifically at the DIY niche which in turn means more people are likely to find them useful. Simply put, by displaying relevant adverts on your website from Google, every time someone clicks on one of those ads, the advertiser gets charged and you get paid.

Easy Money
To get started with Google AdSense advertising and to start making money from your websites, all you need to do is sign up for an AdSense account. Once you have registered, Google will provide you with a small snippet of code to place wherever you want the adverts to show up. The adverts can easily be customized, come in all shapes and sizes to fill any advertising space you may have, and will nearly always match up to your website’s content with no extra effort on your part at all.

While in the beginning things can be slow, don’t give up! Sometimes it is simply about finding the right balance or the correct placement for your adverts, and of course you need the traffic coming in before you can monetize it. If you don’t have enough traffic visiting your sites and you want to be able to make money easily then you will have to spend time up front in optimising your site and adding content to improve your search result placement. Don’t be disheartened if you don’t make a million straight away, eventually most websites can become steady earners from AdSense alone if given enough TLC to begin with.

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1 Sudah dimasyarakatkan dan diterima hampir di seluruh dunia >< Sudah banyak negara yang melarang dan menindak perusahaan dengan sistem ini, bahkan pengusahanya ditangkap pihak yang berwajib
2 Berhasil meningkatkan penghasilan dan kesejahteraan para anggotanya dari level atas sampai level bawah. >< Hanya menguntungkan bagi orang-orang yang pertama atau lebih dulu bergabung sebagai anggota, atas kerugian yang mendaftar belakang
3 Keuntungan/keberhasilan Mitra Usaha ditentukan dari hasil kerja dalam bentuk penjualan/pembelian produk/jasa yang bernilai dan berguna untuk konsumen. >< Keuntungan/keberhasilan anggota ditentukan dari seberapa banyak ybs merekrut orang lain yang menyetor sejumlah uang sampai terbentuk satu format Piramida.
4 Setiap orang hanya berhak menjadi Mitra Usaha sebanyak SATU KALI saja. >< Setiap orang boleh menjadi anggota berkali-kali dalam satu waktu tertentu, menjadi anggota disebut dengan ?membeli KAVLING?, jadi satu orang boleh membeli beberapa kavling.
5 Biaya pendaftaran menjadi anggota tidak terlalu mahal, masuk akal dan imbalannya adalah Starter Kit yang senilai. Biaya pendaftaran tidak dimaksudkan untuk memaksakan pembelian produk dan bukan untuk mencari untung dari biaya pendaftaran >< Biaya pendaftaran anggota sangat tinggi, biasanya disertai dengan produk-produk yang jika dihitung harganya menjadi sangat mahal (tidak sesuai dengan produk sejenis yang ada di pasaran). Jika seorang anggota lebih banyak merekrut orang lain, maka barulah ybs mendapatkan keuntungan, dengan kata lain keuntungan didapat dengan merekrut lebih banyak anggota, bukan dengan penjualan yang lebih banyak.
6 Keuntungan yang didapat Mitra Usaha dihitung berdasarkan hasil penjualan dari setiap anggota jaringannya >< Keuntungan yang didapat anggota dihitung berdasarkan sistem rekruting sampai terbentuk format tertentu.
7 Jumlah orang yang direkrut anggota tidak dibatasi, tetapi dianjurkan sesuai dengan kapasitas dan kemampuan masing-masing. >< Jumlah anggota yang direkrut dibatasi. Jika ingin merekrut lebih banyak lagi, ybs harus menjadi anggota (membeli kavling) lagi.
8 Setiap Mitra Usaha sangat tidak dianjurkan bahkan dilarang menumpuk barang (Inventory Loading) karena di dalam jualan langsung yang terpenting adalah produk yang dibeli bisa dipakai dan dirasakan khasiat/kegunaannya oleh konsumen >< Setiap anggota dianjurkan untuk menjadi anggota berkali-kali dimana setiap kali menjadi anggota harus membeli produk dengan harga yang tidak masuk akal. Hal ini menyebabkan banyak sekali anggota yang menimbun barang dan tidak dipakai.
9 Program pembinaan Mitra Usaha sangat diperlukan agar didapat anggota yang berkualitas tinggi. >< Tidak ada program pembinaan apapun juga, karena yang diperlukan hanya rekruting saja.
10 Pelatihan produk menjadi hal yang sangat penting, karena produk harus dijual sampai ke tangan konsumen. >< Tidak ada pelatihan produk, sebab komoditas hanyalah rekrut keanggotaan. Produk dalam sistem ini hanyalah suatu kedok saja.
11 Setiap up line sangat berkepentingan dengan meningkatnya kualitas dari para downlinenya, kesuksesan seorang Mitra Usaha dapat terjadi jika downlinenya sukses. Keberhasilan upline ikut ditentukan dari keberhasilan down line. >< Para up line hanya mementingkan rekruting orang baru saja. Apakah downline berhasil atau tidak, bukanlah merupakan perhatian dari upline
12 Merupakan salah satu peluang berusaha yang baik dimana setiap Mitra Usaha harus terus melakukan pembinaannya untuk jaringannya. Tidak bisa hanya menunggu >< Bukan merupakan suatu peluang usaha, karena yang dilakukan lebih menyerupai untung-untungan , dimana yang perlu dilakukan hanyalah ?membeli kavling? dan selanjutnya hanyalah menunggu

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Mencegah Menangani Anti Block Invisible Checker Detector

Sudah tahu kan apa itu invisible checker or invisible detector, nah bagi seseorang yang sedang invisible dan kemudian dia diketahu temannya sedang invis: “gue tahu loe invis, gak usah sembunyi deh. hayo invis kan?” dan sejenisnya kadang menjengkelkan. Nah bagaimana biar kita benar2 tidak bis terdeteksi oleh invisible checker? adakah suatu cara untuk memblock mencegah agar kita tidak terdeteksi oleh invisible checker. Atau kasarnya bagaiman kita membuat diri kita jadi ANTI INVISIBLE DETECTOR. Nah berikut caranya.
Gunakan Alias ID atau Secondary Public ID. Lalu chat dengan ID itu kepada semua temen mu add nya juga musti dengan ALias ID. Ingat sembunyikan dan jangan pernah chat denga primary id or main ID. nah kalau sudah begitu, gampang deh. Tinggal di inactive kan aja tuh alias id, saya jamin anda walaupun sedang online tidak bakal ketahuan kalau online. alias super invisible sedang bekerja.

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Sistem Piramida perlu diwaspadai

Di Indonesia saat ini telah berkembang Penjualan Langsung melalui sistim Piramida. Sistem piramida ini secara sepintas mirip Multi Level Marketing dan cukup banyak orang telah melibatkan diri sebagai anggota, lebih tepat disebut bahwa sistem ini berkedok Multi Level Marketing.

Sistem Piramida, yang menawarkan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan besar dengan sedikit usaha, sebenarnya telah pula dijalankan di Taiwan, Amerika Serikat, Malaysia dan lain-lain negara, tetapi sehubungan dengan banyaknya pengaduan dari para anggotanya, kini di negara-negara tersebut sistem ini diawasi secara ketat oleh Pemerintah setempat karena dianggap merugikan dan meresahkan masyarakat luas. Diantara perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut banyak pula yang telah ditutup.

Aturan Sistem Piramida

  • Biaya Pendaftaran keanggotaan berikut paket produk, sangat mahal.
  • Harga jual produk-produknya juga sangat tinggi, ada yang bisa mencapai lebih dari 10 kali lipat harga produk sejenis dipasaran.
  • Sistem dilakukan menyerupai Multi Level Marketing, tetapi tidak sama.
    Misalnya masing-masing anggota dibatasi hanya boleh merekrut maksimum 2 orang. Dua orang tersebut, rekrut dua orang lain lagi dan seterusnya hingga terbentuk satu piramida juga cara-cara lain yang mirip cara ini, misalnya merekrut max. 3,4,5 anggota.
  • Satu orang anggota boleh ?membeli? lebih dari 1 keanggotaan (disebut kavling).
  • Imbalan diberikan berdasarkan tersusunnya satu jaringan berbentuk piramida dengan jumlah orang dalam format tertentu; imbalan bukan berdasarkan presentasi atas volume penjualan dan tidak ada unsur harus memasarkan produk sampai kepada konsumen.
  • Masa keanggotaan kadangkala berlangsung sangat singkat (hanya sampai dengan terbentuknya suatu format tertentu). Berbeda dengan perusahaan penjualan langsung, dimana anggota dapat aktif minimal 1 tahun atau bahkan seumur hidup.
  • Program pemasaran (Marketing Plan) skema piramida sangat rumit dan susah dipelajari. Titik berat pada rekruting, bukan pada penjualan.

Apa bedanya dengan bisnis penjualan langsung?

Dalam dunia penjualan langsung, baik di Indonesia maupun di tingkat internasional, terdapat 3 sistem yang telah berjalan sangat lama, yaitu sistem konvensional atau Single Level Marketing (termasuk party plan), sistem Limited Level dan sistem Multi Level atau Multi Level Marketing.

  • Semuanya sama-sama membuka peluang berpenghasilan bagi siapa saja yang mau berusaha berdasarkan kerjasama kemitraan.
  • Landasan bisnisnya sama-sama terdiri dari 3 hal, yaitu merekrut, mendidik, dan memotivasi para mitra usaha yang lazim disebut Distributor atau Dealer. Semuanya sama-sama mengenakan biaya pendaftaran keanggotaan kepada para Distributor/Dealernya dengan nilai yang pantas sesuai dengan starter kit yang diperoleh.
  • Semuanya sama-sama memiliki sejumlah produk (barang atau jasa) dengan harga yang masuk akal untuk dijual melalui para Distributor/Dealer sampai ke tangan konsumen. Berdasarkan volume penjualan yang dicapai, para Distributor/Dealer memperoleh imbalan berupa komisi beserta insentif dan berbagai hadiah yang menarik yang jumlah dan besarnya tidak terbatas.
  • Semuanya sama-sama memberlakukan sistem dimana seorang anggota hanya mendapatkan satu keanggotaan dan tidak boleh lebih.
  • Bagi Distributor/Dealer yang aktif bekerja peluang berpenghasilan sudah pasti ada.
  • Program pemasaran (Marketing Plan) sederhana dan transparan.

Dari perbedaan aturan main tersebut diatas, terlihat bahwa sistem Piramida :

  1. Menjerat dan menyesatkan masyarakat dan anggotanya, karena :
    • Dapat dikategorikan sebagai judi sebab perolehan penghasilan berada diluar kontrol anggota yang berada di level bawah, pendapatan utama diperoleh bukan dari penjualan barang dan jasa, tetapi terutama dari rekruting orang lain untuk mencapai format tertentu.
    • Tidak membuka peluang berpenghasilan yang merata dan adil sebagaimana layaknya yang ditawarkan perusahaan yang menjalankan sistem Penjualan Langsung termasuk MLM. Merugikan anggota yang sudah membayar biaya pendaftaran berikut paket produk yang sangat mahal, kemudian menghadapi kesulitan menjual produk-produk tersebut kepada masyarakat karena tujuan perusahaan adalah menggunakan produk sekedar sebagai kedok untuk menarik dana dari masyarakat dan tidak diberi pelatihan cara penjualan.
    • Merugikan masyarakat yang membeli produk-produk dari sistem piramida, karena harganya jauh melampaui harga produk sejenis di pasaran.
  2. Bertentangan dengan dasar-dasar sistem penjualan langsung serta kode etik yang berlaku.
    • Merupakan metamorfosa dari sistem Surat Berantai yang telah dilarang dibanyak negara.
    • Aturan mainnya sangat mirip dengan Surat Berantai yaitu:
      1. Menarik biaya pendaftaran cukup besar (Pendapatan perusahaan diperoleh terutama dari biaya pendaftaran anggota bukan dari penjualan produk/jasa)
      2. Produk yang disediakan perusahaan hanya untuk tujuan kamuflase, karena titik berat bisnis lebih pada format jaringan dan anggota tidak selalu diwajibkan untuk mengambil produk yang dibeli apalagi dilatih untuk menjual kembali.

Asosiasi Penjualan Langsung Indonesia (APLI) yang merupakan bagian dari World Federatian of Direct Selling Association (WFDSA) menghimbau kepada masyarakat luas agar tidak mudah percaya dengan tawaran menarik dari perusahaan yang melakukan Sistem Piramida dan sejenisnya. Bagi anggota masyarakat yang telah merasa dirugikan oleh sistem tersebut, agar segera melaporkan kepada Pihak Yang Berwajib. Menjadi mitra usaha dan berbelanjalah pada perusahaan yang telah terdaftar sebagai anggota APLI (Asosiasi Penjualan Langsung Indonesia).

Apakah skema piramida itu? Hal-hal yang perlu Anda ketahui tentang Skema Piramida Penjualan Berjenjang ? Peluang berpenghasilan yang legal Bagaimana membedakan antara bisnis yang legal Dengan Skema Piramida tersamar Bagaimana melindungi anda sendiri dari investasi yang menjerumuskan dan kemana Anda dapat memperoleh bantuan

Jangan membuat kesalahan yang mahal

Ribuan orang di dunia telah kehilangan jutaan dolar karena bergabung dengan sistem pemasaran ber Skema Piramida. Banyak dari korban sadar bahwa mereka sedang berjudi (meskipun mereka tidak mengetahui bahwa mereka sedang terperangkap). Namun demikian, banyak pula korban lain mengira bahwa mereka membayar untuk modal awal membuka bisnis sendiri. Orang-orang ini telah ditipu oleh Skema Piramida yang disamarkan agar nampak seperti bisnis yang legal.

Tulisan ini bertujuan membantu Anda menghindar dari jerat Skema Piramida, baik yang sederhana atau yang tersamar. Sistem Piramida yang sederhana mirip sekali dengan surat berantai, sedangkan Sistem Piramida yang tersamar seperti serigala berbulu domba, menyembunyikan sifat asli mereka dengan tujuan menipu calon investor dan mengelabui Aparat Hukum.

Apakah Skema Piramida itu?

Skema Piramida adalah sistem (ilegal) dimana banyak orang yang berada pada lapisan terbawah dari piramida membayar sejumlah uang kepada sejumlah orang yang berada di lapisan piramida teratas. Setiap anggota baru membeli peluang untuk naik ke lapisan teratas dan mendapat keuntungan dari orang lain yang bergabung kemudian. Sebagai contoh, untuk menjadi anggota Anda mungkin harus membayar mulai dari jumlah yang kecil hingga jutaan rupiah. Dalam contoh ini, Anda harus membayar Rp. 10 juta, untuk membeli sebuah tempat pada piramida di lapisan paling bawah. Uang Anda senilai Rp. 5.000.000 akan pindah ke orang lain yang posisinya tepat di atas Anda dan Rp 5.000.000 lainnya beralih ke puncak piramida, atau ke promotor. Bilamana semua posisi yang tersedia dalam skema tersebut telah dipenuhi peserta, promotor akan memperoleh Rp 160 juta, sedangkan Anda dan teman-teman lain yang sama-sama berada di lapisan paling bawah akan kehilangan Rp 10 juta per orang. Apabila promotor telah terbayar, maka posisinya dihilangkan dan yang berada di lapisan kedua akan naik ke puncak. Setelah itu, barulah kedua orang yang tadinya berada pada lapisan kedua akan menikmati keuntungan. Untuk membayar kedua orang ini, lapisan terbawah ditambah 32 posisi baru, dan pencarian peserta baru terus berlanjut. Setiap kali sebuah lapisan naik ke puncak, sebuah lapisan baru harus ditambahkan pada alas piramida, masing-masing 2 kali lebih banyak dari sebelumnya. Apabila jumlah peserta baru mencukupi, maka Anda dan 15 peserta lain yang berada pada lapisan yang sama mungkin dapat mencapai puncak.

Namun demikian, untuk mengumpulkan keuntungan bagi Anda, dibutuhkan 512 orang peserta baru dimana setengah dari mereka akan kehilangan Rp. 10 Juta. Tentu saja, piramida ini bisa saja ambruk jauh sebelum Anda mencapai puncak karena jumlah rekruting tidak tercapai. Agar supaya setiap peserta dapat memperoleh keuntungan, selalu dibutuhkan peserta-peserta baru. Namun pada kenyataannya, jumlah peserta baru terbatas dan setiap lapisan baru memiliki peluang merekrut orang lain, lebih kecil dan peluang kehilangan uang justru lebih besar.

Hal-hal yang perlu Anda ketahui tentang Skema Piramida :

  1. Mereka adalah pecundang. Skema Piramida didasarkan pada konsep matematika sederhana : banyak pecundang membayar kepada sedikit pemenang.
  2. Skema ini menipu. Peserta skema piramida, secara sadar atau tidak, menipu orang yang mereka rekrut. Tidak banyak orang yang bersedia menjadi peserta dan membayar bilamana seluruh konsep permainan dijelaskan pada mereka.
  3. Skema ini ilegal. Di banyak negara skema ini dilarang, ada resiko yang serius bahwa usaha piramida ditutup oleh pemerintah dan para pesertanya dikenakan denda serta hukuman penjara.

Mengapa orang mau membayar untuk menjadi peserta piramida?

Promotor skema piramida adalah ahli psikologi kelompok. Pada acara perekrutan peserta baru, mereka menciptakan suasana hingar-bingar dan antusias dimana terjadi tekanan kelompok serta janji-janji kemudahan memperoleh uang, menimbulkan kekhawatiran orang akan hilangnya suatu peluang baik. Pertimbangan-pertimbangan serta pertanyaan calon peserta diabaikan. Sulit sekali bertahan untuk tidak tergoda kecuali Anda benar-benar yakin bahwa konsep ini menjebak Anda.

Skema Piramida yang tersamar ? seperti serigala berbulu domba

Beberapa promotor Skema Piramida berusaha membuat skema yang kelihatan mirip dengan metode penjualan berjenjang. Penjualan berjenjang adalah suatu sistem bisnis yang legal dan menggunakan jaringan mitra usaha mandiri untuk menjual produk-produk langsung kepada konsumen.

Agar kelihatan seperti perusahaan penjualan berjenjang, Skema Piramida menyediakan serangkaian produk yang dinyatakan sebagai produk jualan untuk dipasarkan langsung kepada konsumen.

Namun demikian, pada kenyataannya hampir tidak ada usaha sama sekali untuk memasarkan produk-produk tersebut pada konsumen. Sebaliknya, penghasilan diciptakan berdasarkan perekrutan anggota-anggota baru. Juga para mitra usaha baru dipaksa untuk membeli sebanyak mungkin produk yang bernilai besar pada saat mengisi formulir peserta. Misalnya, Anda mungkin harus membeli produk yang sebenarnya tidak bermanfaat senilai Rp 10 juta agar dapat menjadi ?mitra usaha?. Orang yang merekrut Anda mendapat komisi Rp 5.000.000 (50%) dan Rp 5.000.000 sisanya terbang ke puncak (dalam hal ini perusahaan). Perhatikanlah persamaannya dengan skema piramida dalam uraian sebelumnya. Namun demikian, piramida yang paling tersamar tidak terlalu mudah dibongkar kedoknya. Skema Piramida sering memilih produk-produk yang biaya produksinya murah namun tidak memiliki nilai di pasaran, seperti produk-produk ajaib hasil penemuan baru, pengobatan eksotik dan sebagainya. Dengan demikian sulit dijelaskan apakah produk-produk seperti itu benar-benar memiliki pangsa pasar. Cara terbaik untuk menghindari jebakan dari piramida yang tersamar adalah dengan mengetahui secara pasti apa yang ingin diperoleh dari peluang berpenghasilan secara legal.

Penjualan berjenjang dan penjualan satu tingkat ? peluang berpenghasilan yang legal

Penjualan berjenjang dan penjualan satu tingkat merupakan suatu cara populer untuk menjual produk secara eceran, tidak melalui toko yang menggunakan pramuniaga, tetapi melalui wirausahawan yang mandiri (mitra usaha) langsung ke tangan konsumen. Sebagai mitra usaha, Anda dapat menentukan jam kerja sendiri dan mendapatkan penghasilan dengan menjual produk-produk hasil produksi perusahaan yang cukup ternama. Dalam struktur penjualan berjenjang dan penjualan satu tingkat Anda juga dapat membangun dan membina kelompok penjualan sendiri dengan cara merekrut, memotivasi, menyediakan produk dan pelatihan kepada mereka. Penghasilan Anda akan mencakup presentasi penjualan kelompok Anda dan penjualan Anda sendiri kepada konsumen. Peluang ini telah membuat penjualan berjenjang dan penjualan satu tingkat menjadi cara yang menarik untuk memulai bisnis dengan modal awal yang kecil.

Perbedaan antar bisnis yang legal dengan Skema Piramida tersamar Skema Piramida mencari peluang untuk mendapatkan uang dari Anda. Perusahaan penjualan berjenjang dan penjualan satu tingkat mencari peluang untuk mendapatkan uang bersama Anda pada saat Anda membangun bisnis dan menjual produk langsung kepada konsumen. Sebelum Anda resmi bergabung menjadi anggota (mitra usaha) suatu perusahaan, selidikilah secara hati-hati. Cara yang baik untuk memulai adalah dengan menanyakan 3 hal tesebut di bawah ini kepada diri sendiri :

  1. Berapa biaya yang harus saya bayar untuk menjadi mitra usaha?
  2. Apakah perusahaan mau membeli kembali produk yang tidak terjual, bila saya mengundurkan diri?
  3. Apakah produk-produk perusahaan dijual sampai ke tangan konsumen?
  • Berapa biaya menjadi mitra usaha? Bilamana nilainya besar, berhati-hatilah
    Biaya awal dalam perusahaan penjualan berjenjang biasanya relatif kecil. Perusahaan biasanya membuat cara yang mudah dan ekonomis bagi Anda untuk mulai menjual. Sebaliknya, skema piramida, menciptakan hampir seluruh keuntungan dari biaya merekrut peserta baru. Itulah sebabnya, biaya untuk menjadi mitra usaha biasanya besar sekali. HATI-HATI PIRAMIDA SERING MENYAMARKAN BIAYA MENJADI PESERTA DENGAN MEMASUKKAN BIAYA PEMBELIAN PAKET PELATIHAN, JASA PELAYANAN KOMPUTER DAN PRODUK. Pembelian ini mungkin tidak mahal atau bahkan tidak perlu, tetapi akan ada tekanan untuk ?memanfaatkan peluang secara maksimal?
    Perusahaan yang legal dan mensyaratkan pembelian produk biasanya bersedia ?membeli kembali? produk-produk yang tidak terjual bila Anda memutuskan untuk mengundurkan diri dari bisnis tersebut. Beberapa undang-undang daerah mensyaratkan nilai pembelian kembali sekitar 90 % dari nilai sebenarnya selama produk berada dalam kondisi layak jual.
  • Apakah produk dijual kepada konsumen?JIKA JAWABANNYA TIDAK (ATAU TIDAK BANYAK), MENGHINDARLAH!
    Ini adalah kuncinya. Sistem penjualan berjenjang dan penjualan langsung (seperti halnya sistem penjualan eceran yang lain) menggantungkan diri pada penjualan kepada konsumen dan pengembangan pasar. Ini membutuhkan produk berkualitas dan harga yang bersaing. Sebaliknya, skema piramida tidak menaruh perhatian pada penjualan poduk kepada konsumen. Keuntungan diciptakan dari jumlah anggota baru yang membeli produk, bukan karena unsur kegunaannya atau harganya yang menarik, tetapi karena ada unsur paksaan untuk membeli. Pembelian produk seharusnya tidak melampaui kemampuan menjual yang realistis. Cara lain yang digunakan Sistem Piramida tanpa memaksa ada membeli produk tetapi mendorong anda untuk rekrut orang sebanyak mungkin yang masing-masing tentu menyetor sejumlah uang dengan iming-iming akan memperoleh uang lebih banyak lagi.

Bagaimana melindungi diri Anda dari investasi yang menjerumuskan?

  1. Luangkan waktu. Jangan biarkan seorangpun mendesak Anda. Peluang yang baik untuk membangun bisnis dalam struktur penjualan berjenjang maupun pemasaran satu tingkat tidak akan lenyap dalam semalam. Orang yang mengatakan ?masuklah saat ini juga? memberi kesan seakan-akan mereka yang bergabung belakangan tidak akan mendapatkan apa-apa. HATI-HATI !
  2. Tanyakan hal-hal berikut:
    • Tentang perusahaan dan manajemennya
    • Tentang nilai produk di pasaran, dan potensi pasar di daerah Anda untuk dapat menjual sampai ke tangan konsumen pemakai produk.
    • Tentang biaya menjadi anggota (termasuk pembelian wajib)
    • Tentang garansi pembelian kembali produk yang tidak terjual bila anda mengundurkan diri.
    • Tentang rata-rata penghasilan mitra usaha yang aktif
  3. Mintalah semua literatur perusahaan yang tersedia
  4. Konsultasikan dengan orang lain yang pernah mempunyai pengalaman dengan perusahaan tersebut beserta produk-produknya. Telitilah lebih lanjut apakah produk-produk tersebut benar-benar dijual ke konsumen.
  5. Selidikilah dan cocokkanlah kebenaran semua informasi yang Anda terima. Jangan menganggap bahwa dokumen yang kelihatannya resmi berarti benar-benar akurat atau lengkap.

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Apa Itu Proxy Server dan Seberapa Penting Bagi Para Booter atau Lamer Yahoo Messenger?

Para Booter seringkali menyerang atau melumpuhkan koneksi yahoo messenger seseorang tidak hanya melalui satu cara saja semisal PM Bomb. PM Bomb memang merupakan jenis Bot yang paling sering digunakan oleh para Booter terutama yang pemula. PM Bomb jika berhasil atau lawan tidak memiliki pertahanan memang sangat menyebalkan karena tampilan dimonitor yang dipenuhi dengan windows PM Bomb ini. Akan tetapi sebenarnya jenis PM Bomb bukan merupakan jenis bot yang mumpuni atau memiliki efektifitas mendiskonekkan seseorang yang bagus. Memang jika digunakan dengan 1000 ID atau lebih hal tersebut bisa sangat berguna akan tetapi jika hanya puluhan atau ratusan efektifitas untuk penyerangan tidaklah bisa terjamin, terutama jika pihak yang diserang memiliki koneksitas yang besar. Beberapa jenis Bot semisal invite game lebih cepat dan mumpuni menyerang target dibandingakan dengan PM Bomb.

Nah, jika ID Bot yang anda gunakan lebih dari 1000 atau cukup banyak, tidak menutup kemungkinan anda sendiri yang bisa terdiskonekkan atau bahkan karena ini bisa membuat server yahoo sedikit curiga, IP anda bisa saja dibann (atau dilarang) sehingga setiap anda ingin memasuki server yahoo anda ditolak oleh mereka. Untuk menghindari hal ini atau untuk mengatasi hal ini anda bisa menggunakan Proxy Server. Dengan Proxy Server anda bisa dengan nyaman melakukan kegiatan booting tanpa takut di bann oleh Om Yahoo atau sering diskonek, karena IP anda tidak terbaca secara langsung oleh Om Yahoo. Untuk Proxy server yang lumayan bagus dan tidak gratisan (lebih baik anonimous proxy), koneksitas anda bisa menjadi lebih baik dalam mengirimkan serangan, akan tetapi seringkali proxy yang tidak cukup baik malah akan membuat kerja koneksi anda tersendat-sendat (terutama yang gratisan)

Disamping untuk keperluan ini anda bisa menggunakan Proxy server untuk proses load web atau download file secara lebih baik. Akan tetapi beberapa web memang tidak mengijinkan penggunaan proxy karena web tersebut meminta konfirmasi IP seseoarang untuk mengakses webnya (terutama yang anonimous). Bagi para pengguna dunia maya mungkin penggunaan proxy server bukanlah hal yang asing lagi. Namun ada beberapa hal yang perlu diketahui oleh para pemula mengenai proxy server.

Proxy server sebenarnya bekerja seperti tangan kedua (atau perantara) antara komputer kita dengan sumber internet yang ingin kita akses. Jika kita main di yahoo messenger berarti sumber internetnya adalah server yahoo messenger itu sendiri. Data atau byte file yang masuk dari sumber internet asli semisal om yahoo masuk ke proxy server terlebih dahulu dan diolah sedemikian rupa di dalam database yang disebut “cache” sebelum kemudian ditransfer ke komputer kita. Seringkali proxy server sudah memiliki informasi yang ingin kita peroleh sehingga dia bisa langsung memberikan ke pada kita tanpa melalui proses pengambilan dari sumber aslinya. Keunggulan proxy adalah stabilitas dan kecepatan transfer serta keamanan dan privasi yang diberikan. Kekurangannya, jika tidak beruntung transfernya malah terputus-putus dan lambat terutama jika anda menggunakan public proxy server.

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Penghuni Chat Room Yogyakarta:20

Haqiqie Suluh

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