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We hope these tips will help you become a pro at navigating and absorbing our blog posts in the future!

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Quickly and Easily Create a Landing Page with Manticore Technology

Manticore Technology is actually a provider of demand generation that gives everything you need to generate leads, improve your marketing effectiveness and increase your online profit. Through the use of the Manticore Technology intuitive platform, you can quickly build and customize a landing page without IT knowledge. In addition to that, Manticore also helps the users to test their landing pages so that they can convert their traffic effectively into leads.

Turning your leads into cash

Your marketing campaign doesn’t stop after you have generated leads. You have to continue in marketing to turn your leads into sales and profits. You are going to need to analyze your prospects to find out what exactly they need and then use email to promote your products or services to your target prospects in your mailing list. This ensures you make money from your mailing list. Of course, a software tool is required to help you manage your lead and email marketing effectively so that you can convert leads into sales consistently. Manticore Technology Platform is again a helpful tool for lead management and email marketing.

Manticore Technology allows you to perform lead scoring to find out the level of interest of your prospects on your products or services. This is really a good data for you when setting up your email marketing campaigns. You know exactly what are the needs of your different group of prospects and promote the right products to each group of your prospects.

All your promotion emails can be managed and sent out professionally. Manticore's email marketing engine makes building a personalized email campaign a breeze. You can make a standard and compelling template for all your email campaigns with no technical knowledge needed. You can easily send out promotional emails to your opt-in mailing list any time.


Manticore Technology is really a powerful marketing tool you can rely on when you need to generate leads and improve your online business performance. The company does offer a free trial. If you like to test and experience Manticore Technology for lead generation, here's the link to sign up for a free trial:


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SEO Tricks that Won’t Win You Traffic

Guest Post by Courtney Phillips

It’s all about SEO these days if you’re looking to make a living on the World Wide Web; unless you’re willing to pay for PPC, that is. You need to make sure your site is optimized with the right design and the right keywords that are strategically placed so as to grab top ranking with the search engines and get you the maximum traffic possible. You need to stick to a particular theme or subject and you need to update your pages on a regular basis if you want Google and its ilk to keep considering you for the top positions. And you need to ensure that your site gets enough publicity throughout the web so that people link back to it from their sites. Yes, SEO is good when it comes to helping you gain visitors and making you some really good money, but there are times when this technique does not work and sort of backfires on you. And they are:

  • When you try to cheat a little: Yes, you have all the right keywords in the title of your post and peppered throughout it, and because of this, you get readers by the dozen. But what happens when they land on your pages only to find that there’s no real content at all between the title and the end of your article? Or that they’ve come to a site that advertised one thing only to sell something entirely different? True, you’ve got the traffic you wanted, but you can bet your last dollar that these visitors are never going to come your way again. I’ve found myself really frustrated landing on sites that have articles that are literally just sentences strung together that make no sense at all. The only thing that gets them to Google’s front page is the liberal use of keywords and phrases throughout the text. If you want to create a good impression, if you want people to keep coming back to your site, you need to offer quality content, goods or services, offerings that are exactly as advertised when they show up in search engines.
  • When you spend too much time on SEO: Search engine optimization does take a huge amount of upfront effort, and you’re not likely to be seeing results immediately. So when you end up spending large sums of money on perfecting your website while neglecting the core of your business (whether it’s offering a service or a product), you’re not going to be making a lot of money.
  • When your landing page has not been thought out carefully: If your main source of revenue is bypassed when visitors land on your site, it’s no use optimizing your site for the best results. You need to ensure that your ads or revenue generators are strategically placed so that you make money no matter where your visitor lands. At the same time, you also need to ensure that your visitor is taken exactly where they want to go; if not, they may leave immediately without taking the time to look through your site and find what they’re looking for.
This post was contributed by Courtney Phillips, who writes about the (colleges or universities with accounting program). She welcomes your feedback at CourtneyPhillips80 at gmail.com


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How to Write Effective Product Reviews for Successful Affiliate Marketing

Publishing product reviews is the best way to attract potential customers and earn affiliate commissions. This is why affiliate marketers constantly find themselves writing reviews for all sorts of products. However, simply describing a product will not work for affiliate marketing. If you want to make money out of affiliate marketing, your product reviews must be convincing. To ensure that your product reviews will bring you affiliate commissions, follow the steps below:

1) State a Problem

At the beginning of your review, you need to state a problem or issue that your target market faces. Recognizing the desire for something will also work. This way, anyone who relates with the problem, issue, or desire will be more likely to read on.

2) Outline the Solution

Describe a general solution to whatever it is that you used as an introduction. In this section, illustrate what the product can do without mentioning what the product is. Doing this will give readers an impression of what an ideal product is.

3) Introduce the Product

This is the portion where you introduce your product as having the exact characteristics as what you just described as an ideal product. This will help readers quickly realize the importance of the product you are reviewing.

4) Describe the Product

Outline the benefits of what you are reviewing in terms of addressing the problem, issue, or desire you stated. It would be best if you could recount your own experience with the product so that readers will get a better idea of what they can gain out of it. This is also the part where you can state flaws or disadvantages but make it clear that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

5) Summarize Your Review

This is where you restate everything you have described in a few simple sentences. By doing this, you reinforce all the product benefits in your readers' minds.

The steps above will help you compose convincing product reviews. Follow them and you will find that you can make money out of affiliate marketing almost effortlessly.

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WIA Title II Recommendations

January 22, 2009 ... VALUE respectfully offers the following recommendations from the customer perspective for changes to the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (WIA, Title II). Most of these proposals are based on promising practices of exceptional providers in the adult literacy and vocational rehabilitation field that VALUE asserts should be required system-wide.
Changes for SEC. 202. PURPOSE
The purpose of this program should be to help low-literate adults become able to independently access and process information in English, which is different than helping them learn to read and write. With existing technology, such as that used by the blind and low-vision community, adult learners can learn to access and process information independently in months, rather than the years it takes to learn to read and write in English.
Measure performance differently ... Currently, arbitrary levels and standardized test scores are used as the primary measure of success. Success for both adult learners and providers should be measured by the extent to which adult learners achieve their self-defined personal goals.
Add use of technology ... Eligible agency performance should be measured in part by the extent to which adult learners are able to use technology to access and process information independently.
Changes for SEC. 224. STATE PLAN
Describe how use of technology will be implemented ... The state plan should include a descrip-tion of the training, performance measurement, and other considerations required to implement the use of modern technology that enables adults to independently access and process information.
Require the use of technology ... Currently the focus is on reading and writing. The Act should require the use of technology, such as what is currently used in the blind and low-vision community to enable adult learners to efficiently access and process information independently.
Change participation requirements ... Currently, the Act outlines participation requirements that are inappropriate for adult learners with job and family responsibilities. Participation requirements should reflect the fact that adult learners have such responsibilities that may limit their participation.
Conduct case management ... Currently the Act does not require the provision of case management. Due to the complexity of the lives of adult learners, case management should be required as a core activity.
Teach soft skills ... Currently the Act ignores the Department of Labor’s assertion that soft skills including customer/client service; critical thinking/problem solving; cultural sensitivity; leadership; negotiation; personal responsibility; teamwork; and time-management are essential for the success of all workers. These skills should be a core responsibility of all providers.
Use a wealth model approach ... In general, providers currently use a deficit model approach, focusing on what adult learners can’t do. Providers should use a wealth model approach. The wealth model helps adult learners realize their own strengths and knowledge and use them as the basis for future learning.
Share leadership with adult learners ... Currently, the Act does not require that adult learners be specifically included in program operation and governance at local, state, and national levels. The system should be much more consumer-driven. The Act should specifically require the integration adult learners into program operation and governance at all levels; our perspective is as important as that of literacy professionals and bureaucrats and must be heard.
Provide career guidance ... Currently the Act does not require transitional services to employ-ment and higher education. Career guidance should be a core responsibility of all providers, making it possible for adult learners to make informed decisions and prepare for future education and workforce activities.
Increase the reservation of funds for State Leadership Activities to enable instructors to learn to: (1) use the technology; (2) teach soft skills; (3) provide career guidance; (4) conduct case manage-ment. and (5) measure and report differently progress and success.
Change the description of allowable activities to include training and technical assistance to enable instructors to learn to: (1) use the technology; (2) teach soft skills; (3) provide career guidance; (4) conduct case management. and (5) measure and report differently progress and success.

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