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My Plan to Write 333 eHow Articles in 3 Months

Guest post by Michael-John Wolfe, Owner of the Residuals & Royalties blog

A few months ago I found the Brainy Money Blog, written by a guy named Josh who detailed an interesting account of his pursuit of making money on eHow. Josh set a goal to write two eHow articles per day for 8 weeks - equaling 112 total articles, after the eight weeks were over Josh had earned $146.22 from these articles. That may seem like a low number for 56 hours of work. (One hour a day spent writing two articles.) But here's the kicker, Josh's numbers will only increase each month from now on! Josh will earn at least $146.22 every month exponentially. So while his hourly wage might be $2.61 per hour this past month, this wage will increase each month.

Josh showed me an ebook written by WriterGig - one of the top earners on eHow. (Simply search “writergig” under members on eHow and you will see the massive amount of articles she has completed.) WriterGig earns at least $1,000 per month on eHow and her ebook is an remarkable tool to help eHow writers who are just starting out. This book gives you crucial tips for optimizing your articles for eHow and getting the most earnings out of them. Writergig - aka "Maria" tells us that you should be able to average at least $3 per month, per article. Obviously this is a variable and some articles might earn $10 a month and some might earn $1. But if you buy her ebook – you will learn the secrets of producing articles that make the most money.

I have decided to personally challenge myself to have 333 articles completed by July 1st, 2009. (Essentially in 3 months.) Yesterday I wrote 14 articles and my total number of articles is 29, I have 304 more to go. By Writergig's calculations - 333 articles X $3 per article should net me $1,000 per month in residual income. Even if I am way off target and my articles only earn $1 per month, at the very least I will wind up with $333 per month in residual income. If anyone else out there wants to participate in this challenge with me – just let me know and we can track our progress and our earnings.

If you plan on writing your own eHow articles, WriterGig's ebook is a MUST have, you can buy it for only $25 and it will literally triple the earnings your articles will make: Click here to view more details.

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So You Want to Make Money Onlin

Guest Post by Jeff from onlinemoneymakingeasy.com

Who doesn’t want to make more money, right? I get pumped every time I find a new way to make money on the internet. The possibilities for online money making really are endless. The important thing to do when starting out looking for the opportunity that is right for you is to stop and think of what you know and what your passions are. In this post I will cover two of the most basic ways to get started making money online.

The first of these is the most obvious and common way – Paid Surveys. It is simple to start and you set the limit on your earnings depending on the time you have to put toward them. I am sure you have heard of websites that offer lists of companies lining up to pay your for your opinion. What you probably don’t realize is that not all of these sites are the same. Some sites offer these lists for free and some require a membership fee to gain access. So what is the difference and why pay for a list? Well, it can be the difference between getting $.50 per survey and getting $10.00 per survey. The sites that require a membership fee include surveys that on average pay more per survey than the free survey sites. Most of the paid survey sites also offer a list of focus groups you can participate in as well as other ways to make money. Focus group pay by the hour and have the potential for making a lot of cash.

The second way is to start a blog. The important thing to know when starting a blog site is to pick a topic you have some knowledge about. If you don’t you will find very quickly it is hard to write about something you have no experience with and no passion for doing. It is extremely important to keep your blog updated, daily if possible, with fresh content that people will be interested in and will continue visit your site or subscribe to your feed. When you get your blog started and some posts up you can start to focus on getting traffic through social networking sites like twitter, Facebook, and Myspace. Join them, get some followers, and recommend your blog. You will want to set up a Google Adsense account to monetize your blog and you can also sell advertising or promote affiliate products as well to make money. Just as is the case with paid surveys, there are programs you can purchase which step you through setting up, monetizing, and optimizing your blogs to maximize you potential to make money online.

I hope I have given you some helpful tips about how you can get started today making money online. Working from home and making a living online full time is a great feeling but like everything in life worth working for, it takes dedication and there is a learning curve. However, if you work hard and consistently, you will make money online.

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How AdSense can Make You Money

Guest post by Mike Hammond

As a web publisher, there are many things you can do to monetize your websites and bring in a little (or sometimes a lot) of extra cash. One of those ways is Google AdSense, which is a great way for making money online. In this article we will take a look at exactly what it is, how it works, and how to use AdSense to make money online.

What is Google AdSense?
Google provides many services to webmasters and online businesses alike. They can help you to analyse your web traffic, optimise your web pages for better search results, and much more. The services we are interested in for the purposes of this article are the two related programs, AdSense and AdWords. At one time a revolutionary concept in online marketing, AdWords is a program that enables online businesses to advertise their websites alongside relevant content all over the web, in exchange for a fee every time an advert drives a visitor to their site. Those adverts, however, need places to be shown and this is where the partner service AdSense comes into play. AdSense is the other side of the coin, and the part that we as publishers are the most interested in to make easy money online. AdSense pays publishers that display adverts on their pages every time someone clicks on them.

How Does AdSense Work?
Google AdWords and AdSense are extremely clever technologies. By utilizing some sophisticated techniques, Google can basically analyse all of the content on your web page to show AdWords adverts on your site that match up with your content. For example, if you own a website about DIY and utilize AdSense on that site, the adverts will be targeted specifically at the DIY niche which in turn means more people are likely to find them useful. Simply put, by displaying relevant adverts on your website from Google, every time someone clicks on one of those ads, the advertiser gets charged and you get paid.

Easy Money
To get started with Google AdSense advertising and to start making money from your websites, all you need to do is sign up for an AdSense account. Once you have registered, Google will provide you with a small snippet of code to place wherever you want the adverts to show up. The adverts can easily be customized, come in all shapes and sizes to fill any advertising space you may have, and will nearly always match up to your website’s content with no extra effort on your part at all.

While in the beginning things can be slow, don’t give up! Sometimes it is simply about finding the right balance or the correct placement for your adverts, and of course you need the traffic coming in before you can monetize it. If you don’t have enough traffic visiting your sites and you want to be able to make money easily then you will have to spend time up front in optimising your site and adding content to improve your search result placement. Don’t be disheartened if you don’t make a million straight away, eventually most websites can become steady earners from AdSense alone if given enough TLC to begin with.

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