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BidClix is one of the Internet's leading and fastest growing advertising networks. Based on a bid-for-placement model, BidClix enables advertisers to attract new prospective customers through placing their ads into highly targeted contextual channels. BidClix enables publishers to maximize yield by selling their advertising inventory to the highest bidder.

Unlike pay-for-placement search engines (such as Overture, Google, FindWhat), BidClix does not sell keywords or search results. This allows greater flexibility for advertisers, who can then place their ads on a wide variety of content channels. These text ads can be served into all types of standard ad units, including banners, towers and pop-unders.

BidClix was launched in April 2001 by a team of seasoned online advertising executives. Today, BidClix serves over 30 million ads per day, generating tens of thousands of leads for our advertisers. BidClix was named the 4th fastest growing Internet property with 7.1 million unique visitors by Jupiter Media Metrix. Alexa Internet, a database that monitors the popularity of websites, has ranked BidClix among the Top 200 websites in terms of Reach.

BidClix attributes a large part of our success to the values of responsibility, responsiveness, reliability, and honesty. BidClix is dedicated to continually meeting the needs of our customers with innovative, easy-to-use technolog

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The Biggest Adsense In the World

Are your curious to know who some of the biggest Google Adsense earners are? I know that I was interested to know who the best are so I could check out their websites and see how I could possibly earn as much money as these people do. I realized from most of these sites that sites with user generated content usually ranked pretty highly for Google Adsense earners. It seems that these “community” type sites do tend to get a lot of traffic and we all know that traffic = money. So without any more delay here are a list of the top 8 Google Adsense earners as collected from online resources.

1. Markus Frind - PlentyOfFish.com - $300,000 per month

If you haven’t heard of this guy yet you should check out the website plentyoffish.com. He is the person who created this free online dating website from his appartment all by himself. His website soon become one of the largest dating websites online. I have actually tried out his website myself and can see how it can be interesting and attract a lot of visitors. The graphics and layout of the website is nothing fancy at all but the functionality is all there and its fast to use.

There have been many of doubts that he wasn’t making that much money so he made those people silent by posting this on his blog. According to his blog this represented two months worth of Adsense earnings.

2. Kevin Rose - Digg.com - $250,000 per month

Kevin Rose started Digg.com in December 2004. It is a social marketing site that is mostly news, video, and pictures that are submitted by users for other users to read about and view. Basically what happens is you can signup for an account and you can submit a “news story” and other people can view it and if they like it they can “Digg it” and this boosts the rating of the post. If it gets enough Diggs it will appear on the Frontpage of the site and will get tons of traffic. Digg has both Google Adsense ads and Federated Media ads. It is estimated that he earns roughly $250k a month from Adsense alone.

3. Jeremy Schoemaker - $140,000 per month

ShoeMoney is considered to be one of the greatest Internet Marketers out there. He is very good with search engines and knows how to setup his sites to get optimal traffic to them. In one of his best months with Google Adsense ShoeMoney earned $132,994.97. You can imagine it was probably pretty difficult for him to cash a check of that size!

Unlike most of the other Google advertisers ShoeMoney makes his money from hundreds of sites and thousands of domains.

4. Jason Calacanis - Weblogs, Inc. - $120,000 per month

Jason Calacanis is the creator of Weblogs. Weblogs is a network of blogs and it was apparently making roughly $4,000 a day from Google Adsense! He eventually sold the company to AOL for a reported $25 million. He also announced his retirement from blogging earlier this year (July 2008). He is now focusing on his email campaigns instead.
5. David Miles Jr. & Kato Leonard - FreeWebLayouts.net- $100,000 per month

According to a Washington Post article these 20 year old’s claim to be making $100,000 a month from their site FreeWebLayouts.net which offers free Myspace templates. That is pretty impressive for a couple of young guys that are offering free Myspace templates!

6. Tim Carter - AskTheBuilder.com - $30,000 per month

Tim Carter is a licensed master plumber and carpenter with his own radio show. He started his website up in 1995 with his primary focus to cater to an avid following of fellow builders on the site. In April 2004, Carter learned about Adsense for content sites and he put it on his site. With minimal effort and time he optimized his website and his Adsense earnings grew from $1,500 to $7,500.

There was a Google case study done on Tim Carters earnings with Google Adsense. You should definately read it by clicking HERE. Read the results section because it gives a bunch of helpful tips on how he increased his revenue with Google Adsense.
7. Joel Comm - e-book - $24,000 per month

Joel Comm is a get rich quick guru. He wrote an e-book, What Google Never Told You About Making Money with Adsense. With his e-book and his website he earned $23,458.46 between Nov 2005 and Dec 2005. Check out his Google account stats here.

8. Shawn Hogan - DigitalPoint.com - $10,000 per month

Shawn Hogan is the creator of the forum DigitalPoint. This forum is a very usual forum with lots of information about: Search Engines, Marketing, Business, Design & Development, and Products & Tools. In a New York Times article it stated that he was making roughly $10k a month with Google Adsense.

The members of his forum speculate he is now making around double of what he was making in 2005 when this report was published in the New York Times.

So there you have it, the Top 8 Google Adsense earners. This list might be slighty out of date and there could be some new people in this list but this is the list I was able to pull from collecting information on the net. So check out these sites and see if you can strive to earn as much as these people do with your website or blog.

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Tips For Maximum Adsense Content Relevancy

One of the most essential aspects of getting the most out of your involvement with Google’s Adsense program is to be certain that Google serves up the most relevant ads possible on your site. The concept is easy to grasp--visitors travel to your sites in search of certain content on their topic of interest. If they see advertisements directly related to those content desires, they are far more likely to click on the ads than if they encounter only tangentially related material or, in a worst case scenario, ads that are not even related to their interests. As such, it is in your best interests to make sure your site displays relevant ads. Here are few tips for improving your content relevancy to produce more accurately targeted contextual advertising from Adsense.

Before you even begin to use Adsense as a monetization tool, make sure there are relevant ads for your site or pages. In most cases, you will have determined this long before you even embarked on site design or content development. However, if you are thinking of adding Adsense to an existing site built with other monetization strategies originally in mind, you may not have bothered checking to see if other advertisers were going after that particular market. Be sure you are addressing a topic for which ads exist in sufficient quantity. If related advertising is sparse, it will difficult to avoid irrelevant ads.

You do not want content that is overstuffed with particular keywords to point of destroying readability and value, but you do want to make sure your materials make liberal use of on-topic keywords likely to spawn the most relevant possible ads. Experts maintain that using keywords with your titles and H1 tags is an excellent way to assist in getting the most relevant possible ads. This has added advantages in terms of search engine optimization, as well.

Once upon a time, metatags were a critical aspect of search engine optimization in general. Although the engines rely upon metatags far less than they once did, there is some evidence to suggest that using ad-triggering keywords in your pages’ meta-tags may increase the relevance of the advertisements displayed. This strategy may help, and it certainly cannot hurt.

Many sites to a great job of supplying content related to particular themes or keywords in the main portion of a page, but have sidebars, headers and footers filled with less targeted terms and material. Take a long look at your navigational elements and other "side of the page" text and remove keyword terminology that may be leading to irrelevant ad service. Alternatively, you can use Adsense’s section targeting tool to remove those areas from Adsense’s consideration completely, so long as you do not plan to display ad blocks or ad link units in those areas.

You want to keep content tightly themed. That means you do not want to feature long, rambling articles that cover multiple topics. Instead, rely upon materials that address singular issues. You also do not want to feature multiple chunks of content on disparate matters on the same page for that very same reason. The value of tight theming may extend past individual pages. Many publishers argue that Adsense tends to reward tightly-themed overall sites with more relevant ads, as well. Even though this aspect of theming is not as well researched and proven, it makes sense to follow the practice, because of the search engine optimization advantages of having a focused site.

Monitor your site regularly and take note when irrelevant ads appear. Then, take the time to add them to your blacklist for the site. Google does give you the ability to block individual ads via the Competitive Ad Filter. If you block out commonly served irrelevant ads, you may improve your chances of featuring more ads upon which your visitors will actually click.

The more contextually relevant the ads appearing on your site are, the more clicks you can expect to see. As such, it is important to make an effort to use a combination of proven SEO methods that also work well with Adsense and some program-specific maneuvers to secure the best possible ads on your site.

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Earn Money From Adsense

I would like to share 5 Adsense techniques that helped me increase my monthly Adsense income. Hopefully these tips will work for you, too.

1. Blend your Ad background with your content. Nothing turns off a visitor more than a page that's full of loud ads. Take a calmer approach to your advertising, and make your Adsense ads look like relevant, helpful content instead of instant money makers.

2. Stay away from the Default Adsense Template. As web surfers, we all have become oblivious to the default Google Adsense layout. Alter your palette, and bring an original look to your site's Adsense units.

3. Use Blue Links. Ever since the internet was born, visitors clicked on blue links. Everyone's used to it. So stick with the blue links, and test lighter/darker versions of them.

4. Use fewer Adsense Units. When I switched from 3 adsense units to 2, I experienced a quick boost in CTR. Many of your Adsense units go unnoticed, which hurts CTR and CPM. Experiment with few Adsense units, and see if it helps your CTR or not.

5. Test, Test, Test. This is the most important concept of all. Never get too complacent with your CTR. You can probably always do better. Always use channel tracking to follow your changes. Keep testing and tweaking, and so enough you will find the best Adsense recipe for your websites.

Try out these 5 Adsense tips, and develop your own action plan when adding Adsense to your web pages. Believe me: small changes can translate into huge gains in incomes. So stick at it, stay positive, and never give up.

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Sleep And Grow Rich: How To Get Paid Every Month Without Having To Work!

You’ve probably heard a lot about AdSense, but you may not know just what it is. Well, for one thing, it’s one of the best new ways to make money online without too much effort or investment.
You’ll have to invest just a little bit of time in learning about it, but once you get it set up you can look forward to seeing those nice checks roll in. Or, if you’re totally online, seeing money flow into your PayPal account.
I like to think of Adsense as earning from your own Virtual Real Estate or Property empire, as you can quickly and easily develop a portfolio of websites that provide a truly passive income - and I can show you exactly how to do it!

Create A Massive Auto-Pilot Income With The Google Adsense Program Starting Now!
Many website owners have made a lot of money very quickly using the right plan, and now I'm going to show YOU exactly how you can do it too - even if you have NO EXPERIENCE with e-commerce or online advertising.
The system is safe, it's simple, and it's remarkably powerful. And yes, YOU can easily learn it — it’s not complicated! It’s called Google Adsense.

If you learn to leverage the power of Google Adsense...
You could be down at your bank cashing a check for $3,000, $5,000, $10,000 -- or even more -- in 28 DAYS or LESS! Picture yourself standing at the teller’s window, handing her the check, and getting all those $100 bills counted out right into your hand. Feels good, doesn’t it?
Hey I know it’s hard to believe, but you could make this kind of money working only a few hours a week with the money coming in literally while you are sleeping. It’s all true! But don’t just take my word for it – listen to Dom, a 27-year-old guy who got laid off from his tech job and put the Google Adsense system to the test and used it to create his own wealth and freedom:

"Google Adsense must be the simplest way of making money I have ever come across. Some of the lucky people who are 'in-the-know' have been raking in $000's a month for the last couple of years. I have only been doing this for the last 6 months but I have made over $10,000 already with much more to come."
Dominick Holmes, London, UK

Exciting isn’t it?
What could YOU do with $1,000, $2,000, $3,000 or MORE in extra money coming in like clockwork each and every month from using the system? Would you…

* Pay off that credit card balance that’s been hanging over your head?
* Buy that new sports car you’ve been wanting? You know the one!
* Upgrade the kitchen in your house, or buy a new whole new home?
* Finally take a real vacation — not just to a nearby city but to the Caribbean?
* Get rid of your student loans?
* Help your mom, dad, siblings, or friends out financially?
* Donate to your favorite charity?
* Maybe even quit that job you hate and never have to sit in a cubicle again?!

Totally Amazing But True:

Fact 1 : Google Will Send You Checks In The Mail Just For Using Their Adsense Program!

Fact 2 : You Can Create Content That Draws Hundreds Of Hits A Day To Your Site Using Simple Tools!

Fact 3 : Users Click On The Ads, You Get Paid — It’s That Easy!

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40 Ways to Make Money on the Internet

I did a little bookmark scrub this morning and thought I would share the remaining content of my "Online Money" folder. To warn you, there are certain things that I don't like and never bookmark so:

What's NOT included: Taking Surveys, Get Paid to Surf the Internet, MLM, Programs with a ton of negative user experiences (based on researching forums, Googling them, etc.), Contest Sites, "Buy my DVD, CD, Audiobook", etc.

What IS included: Things you can use to legitimately make money online - Everything from Getting Paid to review software to good ole' Adsense.

Anyway, here you go. The second batch is is available here.

* Adbrite - Sell space on your site for text ads

* Amazon Affiliate Program - Easily create a store or shopping section on your site instead of sending your visitors to Amazon. Amazon handles the shopping cart and fulfillment.

* Amazon Seller - Sell your stuff on Amazon

* Associated Content - If you write a story, how-to, rant, etc. you can submit it to them and they will pay you $3-$20 per article if they like it

* Azoogleads - Another ad program. They do have some decent companies lined up as advertisers. You provide space, they'll provide an ad.

* BidVertiser - PPC (pay per click) program with a low $10 payout amount.

* Build a Niche Store - This is a simple store / website development platform which enables you to create content based sites that generate income through the eBay affiliate programs. Pretty darn simple.

* Blog - Start a blog and consistently write excellent content. With good ad placement, you may make some money. I detail my process here: Simply Said, How to Blog.

* Business Opportunities Blog - I am adding this because I am a subscriber to their site and I see ideas everyday that could result in making money. A lot of the ideas pertain to online businesses. If you are an aspiring entrepreneur, it's a good reference.

* Cafepress - You provide a design, they'll toss it on a T-Shirt, Hat, etc. No upfront costs. Get a free online shop and promote your products on your website.

* Chitika - Their eMiniMalls service has shown great results for many Bloggers and site owners. You choose a keyword and they show relevant products on your site using a pretty unique interface.

* Clickbank - Quickly becoming my favorite affiliate program. They have thousands of things for you to advertise on your site.

* ClicknWork - Get paid $5-$150 per hour for basically doing freelance work on a per-assignment basis. You have to pass a pretty tough test to get in.

* Clicksor - These are the guys that generate contextual ads on sites that show up when you hover over a double-underlined word.

* Commission Junction - If you have a site, you can join Commission Junction. Once enrolled for free, you can choose companies whose ads are pertinent to your site. Companies have the ultimate say on working with you. There are easily over 1,000 companies to choose from here.

* CreamAid - For blogs only, advertisers provide you with a topic and you write about it on your site. To do this, you have to install a flash widget into your blog post. The more people you bring into the conversation through the widget, the more you get paid. It's difficult to explain.

* eefoof - Think of it as YouTube + Flickr + Music. You add original content and they pay you based on the visitors you attract.

* Ether - If you are an expert on something, Ether provides a way for people to pay you to talk about it in a one-on-one setting. If you want to charge $250/hr, that's fine. You have to do all the advertising so you should have a blog or site already established.

* eBay- Come on, you know what this is. Gather your junk and sell it!

* eBay Stores - If you have a real store and want to sell your stuff online, this is a decent option to get you started.

* ELance - Name gives it away. Programmers, Codes, Web Designers, Writers, Editors, can look for freelance opportunities.

* Feedvertising - This is an arm of Text Link Ads and is currently only good for Wordpress 2.0 Users. This does me no good currently, but as you can guess, they place ads in your feed(s).

* Feedburner / Google - Not only are they the best place to house your feeds, they will also add ads to your feed and website. You get paid per impression and if you implement Google Adsense to your feed, you are paid per click.

* Google Adsense - Come on, you don't need an explanation; these ads are all over the place. Google displays relevant ads based on your site's content

* Google Adwords - Create simple text ads and choose keywords that determine when they are displayed. This is where the Adsense Content comes from. You do not need a site for this.

* H3.com - Get paid to fill jobs. Commissions range from $50-$5,000. It all depends on how tough the job is to fill and how desperate the hiring company is. This is another one that's tough to explain.

* Indeed.com - Add their job board to your site. They then post jobs based on the geographic location of visitors and the position types you pre-select. I tried it and I they continually report that I sent 0 visitors and I know that's not right. Nevertheless, I may have an isolated problem so they make the list.

* InnerSell - If you have a customer that wants to buy something you cannot sell, you can sell the lead here.

* Jellyfish - This is a shopping site that pays you a percentage of the purchases made by people you refer. They are not part of a wider affiliate program so you do it direct.

* Jigsaw - It's a pretty flaky model but if you have a Rolodex full of good contacts, you can sell them here. I can't make sense of it but it looks like you get $0.10 per profile.

* KarmaOne - They are basically a recruiting website. If you fill one of their jobs by finding a good candidate, you'll get paid anywhere from $50-$12,000. It all depends on how desperate the hiring company is.

* LinkShare.com - If you have a site, you can join Linkshare. Once enrolled for free, you can choose companies whose ads are pertinent to your site. Companies have the ultimate say on working with you. Like Commission Junction, there are a ton of companies waiting to evaluate your site.

* Microsoft Adcenter - Bid on keywords and Microsoft places your created ads then they are searched for. This is similar to Google Adwords. You do not need a site for this.

* Overstock.com - Sell your stuff on Overstock.com

* Pageflakes - This is a company that developed a user-defined Ajax homepage to show feeds, flickr photos, and a ton of other things. Think of it as a replacement for your Google Homepage. Anyway - they'll pay you $1 per referral that you send over. They are not part of a wider affiliate program so you do it direct. This one is pretty simple.

* Pay Per Post - I don't agree with this model entirely but they have advertisers that will pay you to write about their products on your blog.

* Pheedo - If you have an RSS feed, run it through Pheedo. Like Feedburner, they can include ads into your feed and if you really become large, advertisers will pay a premium for you to show their ads.

* Shareasale.com - I've never really worked with them but I do have an account. They are similar to Commission Junction and Linkshare however they seem to have lower tiered companies with advertising offers.

* Shoemoney - This is a blog that can teach you a ton on making money online. I've spent hours reading his old stuff.

* Software Judge - They will pay you up to $50 to review software.

* Text Link Ads - I have never made a dime here but I know people that have. You can earn by sending advertisers to them or by selling spots on your site. You must have a real site or blog to do this - nothing on a shared domain (i.e. /blogspot).

* Vibrant Media - Don't bother unless your site has 500,000 page views of text based content a month. If you have that readership, these are the guys that display bubble box ads to underlined words on your site.

* West Work At Home Agent - Not entirely online but this is worth a mention because it's won awards and is very legitimate. If you are an at-home Mom or free-lancer without work, you should check this out.

* Yahoo! Merchant Solutions - This is a pretty simple and cheap way to create an online store.

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Google AdSense Make Your Web Site Pay

If you run a popular, information-rich Web site or blog, you can earn money from the growing online advertising market. You don't even need to approach advertisers. Simply run pay-per-click ads provided by search engines such as Google and Yahoo on your Web site. You'll earn money every time a visitor clicks on an ad.

If you use the Google search engine, you've probably noticed the text ads that run along the right-hand side and sometimes across the top of your search results. These are placed by advertisers who participate in the Google AdWords pay-per-click program. Google AdSense lets you earn a share of that money by running those ads on your site. There's no guarantee that you'll actually attract clicks and get paid, but it costs nothing to sign up and try it out.
PPC vs. Affiliate Marketing

AdSense is a pay-per-click service, not an affiliate marketing network. While both PPC ads and affiliate marketing networks allow you to earn money from your Web site, there are some significant differences in how they work.

Affiliates typically earn money only when a visitor referred from their site purchases the advertiser's product. (I discussed affiliate marketing in an August column.) But Web publishers can earn money from PPC ads when a visitor simply clicks on an ad. No purchase is necessary.

To maximize affiliate earnings, you must carefully match the interests of your site's visitors with the products and services that you advertise. That can be relatively easy if you manage a tightly focused site. But if your site discusses different topics on different pages, it can be time-consuming to find the most appropriate products to advertise for each topic.

AdSense automates that content-product matching process. Google crawls your site to examine your pages, using content analysis technology to find appropriate ads. The technology is similar to that used by Google's search engine. Most of the time, the process works well and serves up relevant ads.

AdSense Basics

To use AdSense, you start by signing up for an account at no cost. You then insert Google-supplied advertising code into your Web pages.

AdSense supports a number of ad formats that should suit virtually any page layout in your Web site or blog. You can adjust the color of the text and background, if you like. In addition, you can run up to three ad units per page.

Initially, you may see public service announcements displayed on your site. These PSAs earn no click-through money. Google says that in most cases relevant ads will display within 72 hours.
AdSense Limitations

The automatic ad matching process doesn't always work as smoothly as one would like. When I first put AdSense on one site a couple of years ago, the ads it served were rather generic. This resulted in a low click-through rate and poor earnings. I decided to position the ads closer to the site content. Almost immediately, I noticed that the ads changed, becoming more relevant, and my earnings soared.

Google won't accept every Web site. It won't, for example, place ads on sites with pornographic, gambling, and other controversial content.
Earning Money From AdSense

The amount of money that you earn from AdSense depends upon several factors, including the number of visitors to your Web site or blog and the nature of your content. Some content is more popular with advertisers, who will pay more for ad clicks. Google doesn't disclose how it splits the money it earns from advertisers with the publishers on AdSense. Google accumulates your monthly earnings and pays out after the balance exceeds $100.

I'm generally pleased with my earnings from AdSense. However, I know other Web publishers who don't believe it was worth the effort needed to enter the ad code. You risk only the investment of your time, however, so I recommend trying out AdSense to see if it earns money for you.

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Google Ad Manager, Just getting easier to make money online with your blog!

The general public probably best recognizes Google as the web’s premier search engine. Google’s dominance on the Internet can’t be denied or argued. But perhaps what many people don’t realize, Google has become a premium revenue source for many webmasters and online marketers.

It has became a virtual cash-cow for those who have mastered Google with their marketing techniques. They know a number one spot for a competitive keyword or keyword phrase in Google will usually prove very lucrative, bringing in a steady automatic income.

Regardless of what the other search engines will attest, seasoned webmasters also know getting a top placement in Google will usually bring more traffic than a top placement in MSN or Yahoo combined! Getting a number one spot in Google for a popular keyword can prove very lucrative, earning a webmaster revenue 24/7/365.

Therefore, webmasters have to optimize their sites and keywords for Google if they want to turn a healthy profit. Optimizing your webpages for Google is a complete industry in itself, what you really have to keep in mind, besides on-page optimization like keyword density, meta tags, etc. is that Google places a great amount of weight on off-page links and anchor text.

Google ranks all webpages on the Internet by a scale of PR0 to PR10, higher is better. One-way links from high PR sites related to your keyword or website theme is highly valued and will usually move your site up on the SERPs (Search Engine Return Pages). This is the major factor why ‘article marketing’ is all the rage and why articles are great building blocks for getting top keywords and consequently extremely important for earning you revenue, directly or indirectly from Google.

There are countless strategies for getting those top keyword listings in Google. But in my opinion, one of the best experts on the net for website SEO is Brad Callen. His ‘SEO Elite’ is top quality SEO software and his soon to be released ‘Keyword Elite’ will greatly impact how keywords are used by webmasters and marketers.

Once you have gained significant traffic, you can use Google AdSense to earn revenue from your site or blog. Google AdSense lets webmasters and bloggers earn advertising revenue by placing the AdSense code on their sites. These can be text links, images, or banners.

These AdSense ads will be directly related to your page’s keywords. Top or highest paying keywords will naturally return more revenue. AdSense ads are extremely targeted and is an effective way of earning money from your site. Learn more:


One of the undisputed top experts on using Google AdSense is Joel Comm. A seasoned marketer who has created some well informed products on Adsense—mainly his Google AdSense Secrets ebook and courses.

Of course, Google gives marketers another option, you can buy your way onto Google’s first page results by using Google AdWords. This is the popular Pay-Per-Click advertising system offered by Google. Perfecting the AdWord system is an art form in itself; do it right and you can create very lucrative cash streams. Do it wrong, and you can create your very own personal money pits!


Therefore, it is strongly advised that you learn more about AdWords before you risk your hard earned cash. One of the best sources for Google AdWords is still Perry Marshall’s excellent ebook ‘Google Cash’. It will give you all the basics on Google AdWords.

Just about everyone knows about Google’s two popular programs AdWords and AdSense, but there are other ways marketers can earn money promoting Google products or services. Google has started to list products that an affiliate can promote through the AdSense program. You can earn money by promoting the Firefox browser with the Google search box and you can also promote Google’s AdSense program to other webmasters and earn money by referring new users.

The next logical step for Google is to offer more products through its AdSense affiliate program. Many seasoned marketers are promoting Google’s AdSense, it would be counterproductive for Google not to take advantage and offer other products/services through this marketing system. Its own products or other closely related third party products. Many marketers would gladly promote products under the Google banner mainly because any Google branded product would be an easy sale for most affiliate marketers.

Google pays monthly but you do have to earn $100 before they send you a check. Getting a check from Google is somewhat special, no matter what the amount, show your family and friends a check from Google and their eyes will pop open! If you’re an online marketer you may get quite a few larger checks from different online companies but nothing will get you the respect a Google check does. Just goes to show how much Google has permeated into our everyday lives.

Not that you need it, but it’s just another reason to start earning money for Google. Try some of the programs listed above and you will be smiling all the way to... now, where the heck is that Google Bank?

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